Sunday, March 11, 2018

Busy. And Rainy.

Did: strength
This was an after lunch session, not my usual morning session, so I was dragging a little. Turned out good, though! I made the recommended adjustments per the physical therapist's recommendations (no deadlifts 😭, no crunches, 50# for squats) and brought back the pull-ups and tri-dips. Having to start over on those (30# counter-weight) but hey, it'll be good to build that back up and focus on good form.

I do miss my ab workouts, though. *sigh*

Did: #10kTuesday treadmill progression
Ran indoors due to rain predicted for ALL DAY but of course when I arrived at work this morning it was barely drizzling. Ugh. Oh well. I was not motivated for this run - woke up so tired and just wanted to sleeeeeep. I thought of various intervals I might try but ended up settling for a progression run. Ticked the pace 0:30/mi faster each mile, started at 9:30/mi and did 5 miles that way, then did a final 800 at just under a 7:00/mi pace. That was hard.
Again, though... very happy to knock this one out in the morning. Makes the alarm clock worth it.

Did: nothing
Morning dentist appointment and busy workday.

Did: 4.66 mi @ 8:26/mi 
Just a regular ol' run. Outside! It was chilly but nice. Felt good to just go run with no goals.

Did: nothing
Insane day at work, and I leave the country tomorrow.

Did: 24 mi bike ride
Family bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit! Our original plan was to ride the watershed, but calculating the logistical timing of everything revealed that we didn't have enough time to get that done before I needed to leave the house... so we opted for a family ride on the trail instead. We rode to downtown, to the YMCA, intended to stop at the playground near the zoo except *somebody* fell asleep in his bike trailer, so we continued on back to the house. It was a nice ride, and a gorgeous day!

Did: lots of walking in Gent, Belgium
Saturday afternoon I flew to Belgium, which put me arriving here at about 8:30 this morning. I only got like 3 hours of sleep but I've already gotten my 10k steps and it's only just after 9am at home. Hee! Yay walking in a beautiful city.
Love this.

Week Summary:
One bike, one strength, and only a little over 10 miles of running. Not a great week but hey, I'm healthy and happy, so I can't really complain.

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