Sunday, November 5, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 17 of 18

It's getting real now!
Week Beginning thoughts: Last week felt too easy. Yep, it's TAPER MADNESS!!!

Planned: strength
Did: strength
I finally moved to the last pin on the assisted pull-ups - only 10lbs counterweight!! But boy were they hard. I only made it through 6 reps on my last set (vs. 8 on the first two) and my form/range of motion was definitely suffering. But hey, can't make progress standing still. Whee!
Ryan understands.
Planned: 6 m
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Late afternoon #10kTuesday and it was much warmer than anticipated. Wanted to just get. it. done. and my pace shows it! We'll call this a tempo run.

Planned: 4 m
Did: 4.0 mi treadmill progression run
8:30 / 8:00 / 7:30 miles

Final mile = 800 @ 7:00, then one click up every 0.05 mi to the end. Finished at 6:15/mi pace. Knocked this out early because I haaaaate having my run looming over me for the entire day. I KNOW this about myself but sometimes I still can't convince myself to get out of bed in the morning and just get it over with. 

Planned: 4 m
Did: 4.0 mi treadmill ladder for #speedworkThursday
800 WU
1600 / 1200 / 800 / 400 @ 6:15/mi pace
with 400 @ 9:20/mi pace between each

This was a tough one, and I had to stop at one point to use the restroom (running 6:15 miles is hard when you have to poop, just sayin' 💩 ). Got all the speed splits done at 9.6 mph (based on the treadmill - manual lapping on the Garmin is sometimes imperfect). Really happy about this! There were a couple where I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the entire interval at that speed and thought about clicking it down, but realized a few clicks would not make much difference so I pushed through. Woop, there it is!

Planned: rest
Did: yoga
#yogaFriday was good today.

Planned: 4 m or 8 m
Did: 4.14 mi @ 8:41/mi
Busy day today, so got the short run done when the sun came up. No particular goals for this run, just get the miles done! It was humid and cool, and the trees are really pretty right now.
fall colors!
Planned: 4 m or 8 m
Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:36/mi avg
Headed out to run with the early downtown crowd. They'd planned a 6-miler, so I figured I'd start with them and add on 2 at the end. As I was driving down, I went through a few rain showers - had not looked at the forecast so was surprised to see rain. It seemed to mostly be just misty, so I wasn't worried. We started out and about a mile into the run we definitely got rained on. Awesome. And of course it was the one day I didn't wear a hat! Eventually the rain tapered off and we finished out the 6 feeling good. I did a quick out-and-back on Main Street for the final 2 miles and felt really good. I'm a little disappointed that my pace wasn't as fast as it felt... I felt like we were pretty speedy, but turns out it was right at target race pace. Oh well, we'll see what this all boils down to in 6 days!

Miles this week: 26.38 mi (less than 30?! aaaaahhhh taper madness)
Week-ending thoughts: I suppose tapering is doing what it's supposed to... making me feel like I'm not putting in enough mileage! Here's to trusting your training. A neighbor (marathoner) asked me if I like tapering... I quickly responded, "NO!" It seriously feels like I'm quitting a few weeks short of the big event. I know it's how it's supposed to go, and it logically makes sense, but it really does mess with your head.

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