Sunday, November 19, 2017

Recovery Week 1

Image result for meme post marathon blues
It's not that bad, actually. But this was still too funny.

Week beginning thoughts: A week with no training plan to follow? WHAT WILL I DO?!

Did: rest
Honestly I probably could have done something, but I usually like to give myself 2 full rest days after a hard race effort, so I stuck with the plan.

Plan: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.24 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Went out for an "easy" 10k just to see what my legs would do. I could feel the marathon quads coming around the 4th or 5th mile, but generally not bad! It was nice and cool outside, but sunny. Hooray, winter running.

Plan: strength? speedwork?
Did: short early morning lift
A day full of meetings meant I needed to get the workout done early. Just a 30-minute session was all I could fit in, but I definitely felt better than doing nothing.
Plan: bike
Did: 14.4 mi @ 15.9 mph avg moving speed
Yes, back on the bike! This ride almost didn't happen due to meeting schedules running late, but I'm so glad we went for it anyway. Joined Scott & Donnie on the Sherman College loop during lunch. I looked at my Garmin history, and exactly 3 months ago (Aug. 16th) was the last time I biked, and it was the Sherman College Loop w/ Donnie! I averaged 16.6 mph that ride. Happy that I haven't lost too much speed but really glad to be back in the saddle.

Plan: yoga maybe?
Did: yoga
Ahh, #yogaFriday was good today.

Did: nothing
Friday night was our company holiday party, so yeah, nothing today. Enjoyed time with the family (grandparents included!).

Did: 10.00 mi @ 9:30/mi avg
Stroller running today with D and joined Megan on the Swamp Rabbit for a lovely run! Felt so great to just get out and run, not worry about pace, and enjoy time with a good friend and my little dude. :) Beautifully sunny and 50F made for a gorgeous day! Yay!

Week ending thoughts: Good recovery week. Seems like longer than 1 week ago that I did the marathon but I guess that's what happens with a busy busy week at work!

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