Sunday, June 11, 2017

Recovery/Bridge Week (4 of 4)

Lots of question marks on the schedule this week. Those will disappear for the next 16 weeks after this. 0_0

Forgot to post steps, but I'm 100% on goal for this week!

Planned: ?
Did: nothing
Had to take the afternoon off to get D to his dentist appointment. We went to the park afterwards, then ran from thunderstorms.

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:50/mi (trail)
Hit the trails today for a cross-country 10k Tuesday. I don't know if it was heat-, food-, or sleep-related but I struggled today. Woof.

Planned: bike ride
Did: neighborhood stroller walk 
Home with an ill child today. Not sure what's wrong with him, but we were both awake every 1-2 hours through the night and he remained unhappy most of the day. Awesome.

Planned: run
Did: bike ride, 14.4 mi @ 15.9 mph
To make up for missing yesterday, I went for a solo ride at lunch today. Did the Sherman College loop and it was gorgeous outside. A little breezy, but very low humidity and lots of sunshine. Felt really good to get out!

Planned: ?
Did: nothing
Worked from home to get caught up on work before being out most of next week (work travel).

Planned: Sunrise 8k
Did: Sunrise 8k
Race Report here.

Planned: ? 
Did: 9.08 mi @ 10:45/mi w/ stroller 
Tired from race effort yesterday, and pace showed it! Plus it was already pretty hot when we got started just before 9am. Ran all the roads in the neighborhood (1,500+ feet of elevation!) and actually felt the best for the last 2 miles or so. Feet started hurting towards the end, so not sure if I need new shoes or just need to get my feet used to more time pounding the pavement. I thought about working in some foot-strengthening PT at some point (golf ball on the soles, and some towel scrunching with toes). We'll see if I actually do this or it's one of those fleeting "I should stretch more" type thoughts. :P

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