Sunday, June 18, 2017

FATS 50k Training - Week 1 of 16

It begins.
Week beginning thoughts: Here we go, week #1 and it's a challenge because I'm traveling for work all week (Tues-Fri).
Week ending thoughts: Yep, I was right - but got it done and feeling good!

Side-note on Fitbit steps: my Fitbit battery died early Thursday morning, so I couldn't track until I got home late Friday and charged it. No idea if I met my goal or not. Womp womp.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Apparently I've found my groove with strength training because even though I was not enthused when I headed down to the gym this morning, I rocked a solid 50 minutes of weight training. Usually if I'm not mentally into it, I'll poop out after about 30 mins. Woohoo! Now let's see if I can remember everything I did... it was 3 sets of everything...

10x chest press (60lb)
10x leg/calf press (70lb)
core & PT ("preventive therapy") superset: glute bridges (10x each leg, then 10x together), piriformis stretch, 20x each side leg clamshell, 20x med. ball toe touch (16lb), 20x heels to heaven, 20x mason twist w/ med. ball (16lb), 20x pushups, various other stretching
8x pull-ups (20lb assist)
10x tri dips (20lb assist)
side-step with resistance band
core & PT superset
10x upright row (50lb)
8x arnold curl/press (18lb)
10x quad extension (40lb)
10x hamstring curl (40lb) *these were super easy, need to up weight next time
core & PT superset
8x upright rotator cuff (6lb)
8x side arm raise (6lb)
10x dead lift (45lb)

#gymselfie makes me feel perty.
Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.21 mi @ 9:51/mi
This was for today.
Scenario: I had a 7a.m. flight for a work trip and a meeting that was scheduled to start at 2pm (flight arrival ~11:30am). My options for #10kTuesday were:
  1. Try to run as soon as I arrived, but with no guarantee of a shower since early check-in wasn't available. Also risk late flights and missing the chance to run.
  2. Run after the evening cocktail reception/dinner. Risk saying "screw it" and skipping the run altogether.
  3. Run before my 5:15a.m. departure from home. 
I chose Option #3
I decided I was not willing to accept the risk of missing the run due to schedule complications or other lame excuses (tired, hungry, too much wine, etc) so I set my alarm for 3:00 a.m. Yes, that's right. I'm THAT crazy. I actually was pretty excited about it once I decided to do it, and while I was definitely tired I was more than happy to head out the door with the head lamp and go trotting down the neighborhood streets.

Headlamp + moonlight
The moon was pretty bright, and the headlamp (which I eventually ended up holding in my hand) worked well enough. My neighborhood doesn't have as many street lamps as I would prefer, so there were a few dark streets I avoided, but after a few loops I felt pretty comfortable. It was ohhhh so humid, like ZERO air movement at all, even at that early hour. I didn't push pace or anything, just held steady and got it done. Felt so happy to have it done before I left. What a mental relief! I do not think I will make a habit of this, though. Good to know it's an occasional option. ;)

Planned: XT
Did: treadmill intervals (3x400) = 2.0 mi @ 8:30/mi
I had a shorter morning before the conference breakfast started today vs. tomorrow, so I did the quick workout today. Headed to the treadmill in the hotel gym. My plan just said "2 miles"' but I've decided my shorter weekday runs will be some kind of speed or hill work. Today was intervals, which usually is some number of quarter-mile ("400m") at approximately 5k-pace (~7:00/mi). With the run only being two miles, I didn't have time for much, so I warmed up with a half mile @ 6.5mph (9:15/mi) then did three speed intervals @ 8.5 mph (7:04/mi) with a recovery interval after each (same as warm-up pace). I almost felt guilty that my workout was <20 minutes total, but I've also told myself that I should take the easy runs when I can get them!

Planned: 2mi INT
Did: stationary bike, 11mi @ 16.4mph
Really didn't want to get out of bed today. Conferences are just hard... you want to stay out and socialize ("network") but zomg so tired. Plus ALL THE FOOD, all day long, makes me feel so blahhh. Anyway, I got my butt out of bed and down to the gym, and pedaled away on a "random" program on the stationary bike. At least it was a normal bike and not a recumbent. I struggled through the first part but felt better after I got warmed up and started working up a good sweat. Glad I made myself do this!

Planned: yoga
Did: 15 mins hotel room yoga
It was pretty half-assed, but I tell myself it's better than nothing. Observation: I am not good at yoga first thing in the morning. Soooo stiff.

Planned: 8 mi run
Did: nothing
After both Scott and I traveled all week, we enjoyed a day together as a family doing nothing in particular - took D to the playground, family grocery shopping trip, household chores, family dinner. Definitely needed.

Planned: XT
Did: 8.33 mi run + 18 mi bike
I hadn't intended to actually do two exercises today, but I do feel happy that I made it through my first week of training without skipping any workouts! Started out the morning with 8.33 miles through Green Valley. I got out the door just after 7 am and it didn't feel too hot yet. I was pretty slow (9:46/mi avg) but I attribute it to travel hangover and some stomach issues I've battled the last 48 hours or so. I felt progressively better throughout the run, which is always a positive thing.
After I got back, had breakfast, we decided to go on a family bike ride (that's what Scott wanted to do for Father's Day). Unfortunately he injured his knee last week and wasn't sure he could pull D in the trailer, so we hooked it up to my bike and I pulled him for a ride down the Swamp Rabbit trail and back for a total of 18 miles. Surprised I felt pretty darn good, but definitely tired by the end!

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