Sunday, February 19, 2017

GHS Swamp Rabbit Half training - Week 11 of 12

Monday - travel
Flying back from Spain.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
Used the "steps-only" option today for #10kTuesday. Legs still extremely sore from Sunday's PR effort, and just lots going on in general.

Wednesday - rest
Needed another rest day.

Thursday - run
Ran the Earth Run course at lunch, really nice weather, felt good throughout the run. Seems the legs are recovered after several days' rest, kept a pretty good pace throughout the run especially for being on grass. 3.5mi @ 8:30 avg pace.

Friday - yoga
Good yoga class today, lots of stretching around the hips & glutes, which is always a problem area for me.

Saturday - long run
Took D out in the stroller, started from Furman, looped through campus, then headed north on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Mid-run stop at the playground so D could run around a bit, then headed back to the car. Felt great throughout the run, no fatigue or other ailments. Strong and steady throughout, moving average a couple seconds below a 9:00/mi pace (whooo sub-9 stroller running!) for total of 9 miles. Fastest miles were Mile 4 (8:41), Mile 8 (8:19!!), and Mile 9 (8:42). Very happy with that.

Bonus run:
Night time run up Paris Mountain! We were hanging out after having dinner with some friends who live at the bottom of Paris Mountain, and after a few drinks one suggests we run up to the top of Paris Mountain. Who am I to turn down a challenge? So I borrowed some shoes and off we went. It was beautiful!

Total 3.8mi to the top and back.

Sunday - rest
Starting the taper. 👍

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