Monday, February 13, 2017

GHS Swamp Rabbit Half training - Week 10 of 12

Beginning week thoughts: This week is gonna be a little crazy!!

End of week thoughts: Yep, I was right. Multiple travels, a last-minute trip to Spain, and a successful half marathon PR attempt (also last-minute) made for an exciting but slightly stressful week.

Monday - hotel workout
Traveling for work and didn't feel like going to the hotel gym, so I did an old favorite: Jenna Wolfe's Hotel Room Pyramid Workout
This thing takes very little time (it says 10 mins, takes me closer to 15) and totally kicks butt. Did 2 complete rounds. WHEW.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
Got up early to get the 10k done on the hotel treadmill, got to the gym, and ALL the treadmills were in use. With limited time, I figured I'd start out on the elliptical (ugh) and finish up on the treadmill when one opened up. Thankfully I didn't have to do much more than a mile on the elliptical, then I did a gradual progression on the treadmill. Done and done.

Wednesday - nothing
This week is a little crazy, so with only being in the office 1.5 days this week, I decided I couldn't afford to take the time to workout during lunch like usual. I did walk almost an hour (2.4 mi) on the treadmill desk while I got work done, so that was good.

Thursday - nothing/travel
Scott and I are working this morning and then hopping on a plane to BARCELONA, SPAIN! Yes, this is a last-minute weekend trip to a foreign country (sounds reasonable, right?). Scott got scheduled to visit a customer for work there, and travel plans & other details just kind of worked out so... when the stars align, you just go for it! My parents are coming into town to take care of D for the weekend, and I'll be back late Monday.

Friday - travel
Half the day was the remainder of our flight to Spain, the afternoon we walked around Barcelona seeing some sights. Got 18,000+ steps!

Saturday - walking tour of Barcelona
More walking, almost 24,000 steps.

Sunday - Race Day
Mitja Marató Barcelona
I also got over 40,000 steps today between the race and walking all over Barcelona in the afternoon. Whew!

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