Monday, February 27, 2017

GHS Swamp Rabbit Half training - Race Week!

Monday - short run & lift
Work project took over, no workout.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
Got out for a run in the beautiful spring-like weather and apparently the flowers also think it's spring, too.
Kept a good steady pace, not too fast, but felt strong and consistent. Average moving pace 8:48/mi.

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - #speedworkThursday
Plan: 30 min tempo, peak ~ 7:30/mi
Done and done. It was almost *hot* outside today. Hello spring!

Hit all the splits pretty much dead on, though went a bit too fast on the first tempo split (Split #2) so the bump up to the next segment wasn't very much. Had some tightness in my shins on the cooldown, so did an extra .5mi walk afterwards to help loosen things up.

Friday - yoga
Ended up working from home after spending half of the previous night at the ER with little man. Not how I anticipated starting off the race weekend!

Saturday - Race Day
Race Report: GHS Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon

Sunday - rest

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