Monday, January 30, 2017

GHS Swamp Rabbit Half training - Week 8 of 12

Miles run this week: 28.65

Monday - strength & stretch
10k steps before noon
Got into the gym after lunch and started out with a warm-up on the elliptical since I've been cold sitting at my desk in the office all day. Next was some stretching since I could tell my legs were still beat from yesterday's long run. My strength training was a bit random and haphazard due to other people using the equipment, so I just kind of wandered around and did a few sets of lifts here and there for a total of 30 minutes, finishing with some pushups and planks.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
10k steps before noon - 11:57 when my Fitbit buzzed!
6.24mi @ 8:44/mi
Suuuuper happy with the results of this run! My legs felt heavy and tired when I started out - combination of being on my feet for 4 hours and not getting to bed until after 11pm due to chorus rehearsal last night. It was windy and I decided I wanted to run the hilly route through USC Upstate campus - great idea! /sarcasm
I told myself to just keep it steady, don't push for a certain time or pace, just keep going and the pace will land where it lands. I didn't feel like I was going sub-9, but apparently I was! Huzzah!

Wednesday - XT
bike ride
10k steps before noon
Solo bike ride today, so I decided to tackle the Sherman College loop. It was windy today, but thankfully it was a tail wind on some of the more difficult sections of the ride, which was very lucky! Ended up with a total of 14.4 miles @ 15.3 mph average. Felt great!

Thursday - #speedworkThursday
40-min tempo
10k steps before noon - done!
As I started my warmup today, I realized it was not the ideal day for outdoor speedwork since it was WINDY. Running into the wind was tough, but thankfully my speedwork loop was pretty well sheltered from the stronger breezes, so it was just the warmup that had me struggling. Turns out this was a pretty stellar tempo run!
Dat progression, tho.
Awwww yisssss. Again, in my head this was to be a 9/8:30/8 split with peak at 7:30... and I ended up about :30s faster on every split. Not too shabby, plus a 6:51 for the final push! Heck yes. Really really happy with this run.

Friday - yoga
10k steps  7,500 steps
#yogaFriday #namaste
Nice yoga class, as usual. Good Friday activity.
Saturday - 5m pace
nailed it!
10,000 steps 
I had to do this run during lunch break at our all-day chorus rehearsal, so when we were dismissed I hurried to change and get out the door. I was a little hungry, and a little tired, and I knew I'd been struggling to hit my 8:00/mi pace marks in the last few runs I've done, so I had no idea how this run would go. It was also quite windy outside, but nice and chilly & sunny, so mostly really good conditions for running. I set off at what felt like a strong but steady pace and just kept chugging and telling myself to keep it steady, push but not push too hard, and do what I could. I also made sure to not look at my Garmin during the run, other than to check distance markers to know when to turn around (my route was out-and-back). I did happen to glance at my watch at one point when it buzzed for a mile marker, and I saw that I'd clocked a 7:39 pace for that mile. Whoa! So I at least had some hope of meeting my goal paces. Turns out I was a little erratic on my splits (7:30 / 8:00 / 7:52 / 8:14 / 7:44), but the overall result was a 7:55 average pace for the entire run! Really really happy with how this run went.

Sunday - long trail run
13 miles at Pleasant Ridge
30,000+ steps ✅✅✅
This. Was. Hard.
First, I was already tired - between chorus rehearsal all weekend and being out late for my birthday the night before, I knew this run would be challenging. I haven't put in the trail miles that I feel like I should have done for this race (next weekend!) but I do feel like the overall mileage has been decent. This trail run showed me that, yes, I  can do the distance, but it won't be fast and it won't be easy! I ran 3 loops at Pleasant Ridge, doing the shortest possible loop so that I wouldn't go too far beyond my goal of 12-13 miles, which meant taking Sassy's Pass and the paved road instead of the new section of the JFA Trail each time.

Finally spotted #NicolaTheTrailCat
I got progressively slower with each loop (11:20 / 11:43 / 12:10 paces) but didn't notice any significant deterioration of perceived effort, which seems good. I ran with my new hydration pack for the first time, and after stopping a few times to adjust the various straps and clips, I got it to a comfortable position and I'm excited to run with it next weekend. 

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