Monday, March 6, 2017

Recovery Week

Giving myself one week break between training cycles before I pick up with 8 weeks of training for the Clemson Triathlon on 4/29. (Note to self: register for this race) 😏

I also registered this week for the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th - it'll be the biggest #10kTuesday in the world!! 🎉

Monday - rest
Busy day at work, didn't get down to the gym. Quads still pretty sore from Saturday's hard race efforts.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
A slow 10k on the cross-country trails. Knee hurts after getting rear-ended Monday night, so took it slow. #diditforthehashtag

Wednesday thru Friday - rest
Recovery Week turned into outright rest week. Oh well, there's been a lot going on and I think I needed the mental and physical break. Plan to be back in the saddle next week.

Saturday - run
Got up and out of the house early this morning, excited about a cold weather run. Between a lack of cold days, and needing to run with D in the stroller most of the time (therefore waiting until later in the day), I was really missing out on those brisk mornings. It was around 25F when I started out (yes!!) and I headed out the back of the neighborhood for a Green Valley run. I don't run this road with a stroller (hills + busy roads with no shoulder) so it's a rare treat for me on a solo run. Didn't have a goal pace in mind, especially since this is a "recovery" run of sorts, so I kept the pace comfortable and steady. Total of 7.1mi at 9:45/mi average pace. My knee is a little sore now (several hours later) so it's not fully healed, but certainly feels better than it did on Tuesday.

Sunday - mountain bike
Scott and I took D and headed to Pleasant Ridge to do some mountain biking. We took a picnic and alternated turns doing loops on the trail. I got 1 full loop of the JFA trail, then let Scott take a turn (he did 2 loops in little more than the time it took me to do 1), then I finished up with a shorter loop. Total 10.1 miles averaged just under 7mph.
Dem hills

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