Thursday, July 18, 2024

3 Weeks til Utah / Reaper Week

It's Reaper Week! 
Goal this week is to keep things light and easy, stay well-fueled and -hydrated, and rest up for the weekend.

1.5 mi pup run 
Little loop with Ivy around Cleveland park this morning before it got too hot out.

1h20m Capture the Flag ruck challenge
Completed this ruck challenge that I'd seen posted last week and wanted to do around the 4th but didn't quite get it done in that time frame. Still was a solid workout, not overly taxing but worked up a good sweat!

6.3 mi @ 10:00/mi
Ran downtown from Unity park and went suuuuuuper duper slow in a loop + out and back. Legs were crazy sore from the squats the previous day. 

1.1 mi pup run 
Short run around Cleveland park with Ivy.

25 min upper body + core strength
10 pushups, 20 crunches, 20 heels to heaven, 20 side-to-side crunch (R+L=1), 20 curls, full routine Shoulder Blasters - all done 3x through

3.2 mi @ 9:50
Got in for an early loop on the XC course, and the temps were actually pleasant! Humidity seems to have dropped significantly. What a nice break from the heat. 

3.5 mi @ 10:01/mi
Hot Fish Run Club 5k Friday, morning edition. Found a balloon on the course halfway through the run so picked it up and ran with it the rest of the way. 

Carolina Reaper Challenge - Death Pepper 50k

1.2 mi pup walk + 1 mi run
Waited til late evening for these to give as much time as possible for recovery. Actually surprised how decent the legs felt!

What a week!
Not sure what I could have done better/differently to prep for the Reaper - I think I did everything I could have done, the execution was mostly on-point until the heat got the better of me. Not something I want to do again - maybe as a relay team or a shorter distance, but enough with that 50k!

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