Monday, July 22, 2024

2 Weeks til Utah

Reaper Recovery week!

3 mi run @ 10:05/mi
Met Megan after camp drop-off in the morning for a little Cleveland Park run with the pup. Felt good to move the legs!

Love this gal!

1.4 mi evening walk with the fam
The whole family went out for a walk after dinner and we explored the woods & trails behind the neighborhood pool. Pretty cool! Lots of space back there, including an abandoned house/cabin. 

6.3 mi @ 9:02/mi
Ran solo at Furman before work; all my usual run buddies were injured, out of town, or otherwise busy, but it was pretty nice to meander through campus in the early hours! Caught beautiful sunrise colors over Paris Mountain.

2.7 mi pup run
Ran with Ivy after camp drop-off, and she was a bit sluggish so we didn't push the distance. Saw a snek.

5.2 mi @ 9:05
USC Upstate loop at lunch, usually is a fast loop but this time was slower paced.

3.24 mi @ 10:08/mi
Hot Fish Run Club 5k Friday on the XC course at work, nice 'n' easy miles.

2.3 mi trail run + 10 mi trail ruck
Spent the morning on trails at Paris Mountain! First was a quick little run of the Sassafras Loop just to get the heart and legs moving (and get the daily run done).

Tree down on the trail!

After I completed the loop, it was time for the Delaware Dash rucking challenge. 

Had neighbor John join me for the ruck challenge! We loaded up the rucks (20# dry weight for me) and headed out. A bit over a mile we got to the lake beach and took our plunge, then headed up Sulphur Springs for a long loop. Realized we'd overshoot the mileage on the way back so took the road down from the top parking lot on the return trip. This was quite a challenge, but pretty fun and good to get some long ruck miles done!

2.9 mi pup hike/walk
After the ruck, the family went out to Lakeside Park and the boys rode bikes while I walked with Ivy. 

5.9 mi @ 10:22/mi
Felt like I needed some recovery time between Saturday and the next activity, and my body agreed. I slept until almost 8am! Various things kept me busy throughout the day Sunday and I decided to do my run around sunset to escape the heat. Turned out to be quite a lovely, quiet run on the Swamp Rabbit + Furman's campus. 

Definitely needed the drop back to around 30 miles this week for running!

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