Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving Week - one year Run Streak anniversary!

Did: 3.3 mi ruck @ 15:21/mi avg + 1.5 mi @ 8:38/mi run
Got out at lunch for a ruck on the 5k course followed by a run loop of the Wellness Trail. Started out cool and cloudy but the sun came out and it was quite nice!

Did: 6.8 mi @ 8:50/mi 
Early morning cold rain run! Was not feeling a track workout today so opted for an out-and-back run to TR on the trail instead. A few instances of rain blowing into my face but otherwise it really wasn't too bad of a run.

Did: 2.62 mi @ 9:06/mi + 1.5 mi pup walk
Got out in the middle of a WFH day for a quick run, then did an after-dinner pup walk around the neighborhood.

Did: 2.2 mi warm-up + 5.0 mi @ 7:18/mi Turkey Day 8k race
Got downtown and got my bib from my parents who had picked it up the day before. Headed out for a short warm-up before the race, ran down to the zoo and back up the Washington Street hill with about 10 mins to spare before race time. Didn't have any goals or expectations for the race but I figured I'd finish in about 37 minutes. Weather was absolutely perfect - clear, sunny, chilly. 
Ran into a couple of neighbors at the start

Sunshine and start lines!

Not much to say with the race play-by-play... just ran a solid, consistent effort, didn't push super had but gave it a respectable amount of input. Ended up with 36:26 chip time, good enough for 4th age group (sadly only 7 seconds behind 3rd... if only I had known!).

Friday - 365th Day of consecutive running! 🎉
Did: 4.16 mi @ 9:17/mi
Went to Conestee Nature Preserve in the late afternoon and did a solo loop to complete 365 days of consecutive running at least 1 mile every day! Pretty excited to reach this milestone. 

Caught up with the fam as they were finishing a short walk

I still need to do a social media post on this but I just hadn't had the time to sit and think of the right words. 

Did: 8.05 mi @ 9:26/mi
Got out early to run before a busy day with the family. Ran from the house over to the trail, headed north into TR, looped back on some non-trail roads, then back home. Got to the neighborhood with about 7.3 miles done and decided I wanted 8, so I looped around til I finished it. Happy for some good morning miles!

Did: 5.13 mi pup ruck hike + 1.56 mi run @ 9:06/mi
Spent the morning busy with lots of domestic chores at the house, so by afternoon I was ready to get out with the fam for some outdoor time. Unfortunately, the grey weather made everyone else want to stay in... so I took the pup and headed up to the Chimneytop Gap Access on the Foothills Trail and we rucked (20# plate + water) up to the top of Sassafras Mountain. 
Happy to be in the woods 💚

"Why you stop to take so many pics?? Let's goooo!"

Little Miss Adventure Pup did amazing - practically pulled me up the mountain, and we kept a pace of under 25 min/mi (faster than we do a neighborhood walk sometimes!). I was huffing and puffing on the steeper parts of the climb, especially the steps. We got to the top in just under an hour right as some thick clouds/fog rolled in. 

We took obligatory state line photos at the observation tower, gazed out at the 360-degree views of the cloud we were inside, then started our descent. I'd been a little worried about running out of daylight, but we started descending right about 4pm so I knew we had sufficient time remaining. That made me breathe a bit easier. 

We made great time on the way back down, and it even started raining (turns out that cloud was a rain cloud). Thankfully the thick tree cover made it so we didn't get too wet. We only saw 1 other couple of hikers who were making their way up as we went down. Other than that we had the whole trail to ourselves!

Finished just shy of 2 hours total moving time and made our way home!
Ran a quick loop around the neighborhood when we got back.

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