Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Solo Week #1

Going off-plan for a bit to regroup for the new ruck plan and other things I want to accomplish. Still going to be doing ruck workouts, running every day, keeping the #10kTuesday streak, and trying to enjoy the beautiful fall weather! Also going to have almost 2 weeks of solo parenting while Scott travels for work, so the workout schedule will be a bit skewed from normal!

Did: 2 mi run @ 8:18/mi + GORUCK BFF Test
Got in a couple of quick miles after dropping off D at school in the morning. 

Around midday I completed the GORUCK BFF Test. This test will be part of the event in February, and our team decided we'd all complete the test sometime this week then not do it again before the event to see how much we can improve. I always love a challenge, so I went for it! 

The mile carrying 60lbs was tough, but I didn't have to stop and take a break. I shuffled around the neighborhood as best I could, and man my back and glutes were feeling it by the end!
Sandbag burpees were a new kind of beast. The demo video has this guy just casually tossing the sandbag overhead, whereas I had to clean & press the thing just to get it over. Gonna have to add these to a regular workout regimen because WOW that got my heartrate up.
200m suitcase carry was a hard test of grip strength. I think carrying something with a more rigid handle would be better (like a kettlebell) but I did it with the sandbag as instructed. Whew.
2 mins of pushups felt amazing just to not have to have any extra weight on me! I was on a pretty strong cadence for the first minute, but slowed way down on the second minute. Was hoping I could get 60 done but was a few shy. 

Did: 6.32 mi @ 8:35/mi moving avg
Ran with the Rockers Run Club after work - first dark run of the season! Started off with a 5k right at sunset, then ran the second part of #10kTuesday with the run club group. Thought about running longer, but decided getting to the beer & pizza sooner was the better option. Always a fun time!

Did: 2.2 mi run @ 8:53/mi + 2.5 mi pup ruck
Couple of morning miles in TR after drop-off at school. 
Midday ruck @ ~25lbs with the pup - did lots of leaf peeping in the nearby horse park trails. Beautiful if not unseasonably warm day!

Did: 3.84 mi @ 9:14/mi avg run
Ran a loop on the cross country trails at work, no particular goals just getting outside. Felt quite drained for not very fast pace. My Garmin has been telling me my training status is "strained" for about a week now, so maybe it's right... some accumulated fatigue is getting to me. 

Did: 30 min strength + 1 mi @ 9:20/mi
Got to the gym at work today for the first time in a long while to do something other than ruck strength training. Felt good to lift! Then took a loop outside to get in one easy mile. 

Did: 60 min hot power Vinyasa + 3.13 mi @ 8:59/mi
Took D with me to Soul Yoga, he did the kid's class while I did a Power Vinyasa class. Whew it was tough but felt good to sweat and work hard. Nice compared to the cold rain outside, too!

When it stopped raining in the afternoon I took a little run around the neighborhood. 

Did: 8.11 mi @ 9:19/mi avg
Got in a nice long run in the morning before church, taking an old route that was mostly through the Green Valley race loop. I created it in early pandemic days when I was trying to run long and avoid the Swamp Rabbit Trail as much as possible. It was fun to revisit the loop! 

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