Monday, November 6, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training: Week 7 of 10

Planned: 2 mi sandbag ruck
Did: 2 mi sandbag ruck + 1.06 mi run @ 8:50/mi
Took the 40# sandbag for a walk on the trail after dropping D off at school. Avoided eye contact with everyone I passed because I'm sure I was getting some looks. 
Took a quick loop in the neighborhood in the late afternoon... had hopes of getting in an easy trail run but work demands overran that hope.

Golden leaves

Planned: PT + 2 mi ruck
Did: 6.77 mi @ 8:02/mi + 8 min PT + 2.3 mi ruck
Track Tuesday downtown in the morning! Got 6x800m complete, felt strong and kept them good and consistent 3:24-3:28 per repeat. 
PT during lunch hour was 5 ruck-on pushups, 10 4-count flutter kicks, and 25 ruck squats - all 4x through. That surprisingly only took about 8 minutes, then I headed out for a perimeter loop with the 20# pack and got in about 2.3 miles total.

Planned: 7 mi ruck
Did: 1.5 mi run @ 7:54/mi
Only had time for a quick lunchtime loop on the cross-country course due to an all-day meeting and unplanned day in the office.

Also... there are some Ruck event plan changes potentially afoot. More to come...

Planned: rest
Did: 4.3 mi @ 8:51/mi run
Did an early run and OMG it was 29F! Had a terrible headache so took it fairly easy around Furman. First sub-freezing run of the season... such a change from the recent temps in the 80s!
Brrrr πŸ₯Ά

Planned: ??
Did: 1.1 mi @ 8:51/mi run + 60 min Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Aimless day and needed something to recharge, so I got my 1 mile done around the neighborhood and went to a Vinyasa class at Soul Yoga. 

Did: Lake Summit 10 Mile Race

Did: 3.5 mi ruck hike + 1 mi run
Got a crew together to do a hike at Chestnut Heritage Preserve near Landrum. What a beautiful place, and none of us had ever been before! I opted to ruck this one, with a 20# plate and 3L hydration bladder, all adding up to something around 27# total (plus snacks and other random gear). The hike itself didn't have any views or waterfalls but was a beautiful walk through the woods with nice trails and enough elevation to make it feel like a challenge, but not too bad. 

Crew! 4 humans + 3 pups

Lunch break on a boulder

The colors against the blue sky were perfect!

Trail buddies πŸΎπŸ’™

Overall a great week and excited for some time on trail, racing, and fall weather!

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