Monday, August 7, 2023

Last week of summer

So, final week of summer break (not for me, but for the kiddo) before we get into the school year routine. CRAZY.

Did: 1.35 mi @ 8:51/mi + 14.2 mi bike ride + 1.45 mi walk
Multiple activities today! Early morning mile around the neighborhood, a bike ride midday, and an evening walk with the pup.

Did: 6.61 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Track Tuesday at Furman this morning! Did 4x800 (3:32, 3:33, 3:34, 3:27) plus warmup/cooldown. Felt good to get back on the track, it's been a little while!

Did: 2 mi pup walk + 2 mi @ 8:48/mi run
Took pup for an early walk to beat the heat. Walked out of the neighborhood to the horse farm trails, then back home. 
Trail Pup
Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:32/mi
Lakeview Lollipop course in the early morning rain. Seems like I always end up on this route when it's raining... Good as always to get in the early miles! There were tons of frogs hopping along the wet trail. 

Did: 1.36 mi @ 9:11/mi + 1.24 mi pup walk
Short morning mile in the neighborhood then a pup walk at the lake once we arrived in the late afternoon.

Did: 12.03 mi @ 9:26/mi avg + 1.6 mi walk
Got an itch to do some long miles at the lake, so went for a complete run of Lake Road out to the dam. Goal was 12 miles which I hit and felt good, then walked the rest of the way back to the house. 

Did: 3.12 mi @ 8:34/mi
Had intended to do the 8 mile Rolling Hills loop this morning, but got distracted watching the penalty kicks of the US Women's team. Finally headed out the door and realized I'd be way too hungry if I did the loop run, so I kept it short and sweet. Legs felt surprisingly good for having done 12 miles the previous day!

Almost 32 miles for the week - feeling good about that!!

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