Sunday, July 30, 2023

...and now July is over??

Seriously how is summer school break almost over. ???

Anyway, still been recovering from last weekend's crud and work this week has been INsane, so have kept a lot of runs and such to a minimum. Also, it's just too hot. 

Did: 1.2 mi @ 8:37/mi + 1.1 mi walk
Short neighborhood run during the morning and a pup walk in the evening. 

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:41/mi cross-country run
Ran my 10k Tuesday on the 5k course at work, man it's flippin' hot out. 

Did: 1.2 mi @ 9:08/mi + 1.35 mi walk
Again a neighborhood short mile and an evening pup walk.

Saw a deer family across the retention pond!

Did: 2.5 mi @ 9:28/mi 
Got out at sunrise for a few neighborhood miles - been a while since I've started a run pre-dawn, but need to get back to it! Hopefully once Scott's travel calms down a bit I can get out for more early runs.

Did: 35 min strength + 1.2 mi treadmill run
Got to the work gym for some strength and a short treadmill run. Felt good to lift! Need to get more of this if I'm going to be doing this ruck event in the winter. 

Did: 9.13 mi @ 9:20/mi avg
Was finally able to meet the early group and do a long Saturday run! It has been quite a longggg time since I got to do that, and felt great to get back in the ol' routine. I was feeling sluggish, probably due to an exhausting week and not having run long distance in quite a while, but was glad to be able to get it done. 

Did: 3.2 mi @ 9:07/mi + 0.85 mi ruck walk
Got out in the morning before the heat set in, did an easy 3 miles including the Riverbend Rd climb up to Roe Ford - that part was not easy! Afterwards I took the pup out along with the 20# pack for a walk around the neighborhood for a bit shy of a mile walk. Good start to the day and way to wrap up the week. I'd had an idea of going for yoga in the evening, but turns out there's no classes today! Boo. My hammies are needing some stretching. 

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