Monday, August 21, 2023

Kinda normal week?

If I'm really going to do this rucking thing, I gotta get more time with the ruck and need more than one 30-min gym session per week. Will be challenging while also trying to maintain the run streak and keep run mileage decent for my other running goals. Might need to spend some time planning out a training cycle for the rest of the year. 

Did: 2 mi @ 9:24/mi + 16 mi bike ride @ 12.8 mph avg + 1 mi evening pup ruck walk
Got in a couple easy miles after school morning drop-off in TR. Rode bikes on the newer section of the SRT with Scott during lunch - hot out but felt okay on the bikes! 

Did: 6.95 mi @ 8:06/mi 
Started off the morning with a solid Track Tuesday workout! Had mile repeats in mind as I arrived at the track, but the air was SO stiflingly thick and disgusting that I had to talk myself into "just do the first one". After one, I decided I'd go for the other 2 I'd planned. I ran the first 2 at 7:02 each, and for the third I decided I was absolutely going to get under 7 mins. I clocked steady 1:40 laps for the whole thing, pushed hard on the last 100m and ended up with a 6:40 final mile! 
Track fraaaaands

Did: 1.41 mi @ 9:44/mi + 1.55 mi pup ruck walk
Early loop through the neighborhood followed by pup ruck walk after school drop-off in the morning.

Did: 6.02 mi @ 10:09/mi Altamont climb
Wheeeee back to the mountain! Didn't feel quite as awful as I thought it would. I gave myself permission to go as slowly as I needed and recover for a bit at the top, but I made it the whole way without walking! Felt pretty awesome about that. 

Did: 1.26 mi @ 9:46/mi + 35 min strength
Took it easy-ish today. Short run loop in the morning then a gym session at work during lunch. Focused on upper body and core only. Feeling like I'm making good progress strength-wise and visually! 

Did: 3.13 mi @ 7:00/mi - Michelin 5k
Raced a 5k and was pretty pleased with the result! I didn't go into this with any plan or expectation, but feeling good about my current performance level and the morning slightly cooler temps certainly helped. Ended up getting faster after the first mile in the race (7:07, 6:58, 6:58) and felt like I gave it a good strong effort but not totally giving every last drop. Still a full minute off my overall 5k PR so if I'm going to improve on that, I'll need to put in some serious work. Tentatively slating that effort for early next year... we shall see. 

Did: 5.05 mi @ 9:29/mi avg
Slept in this morning so ended up doing my run during the hottest part of the day. Thought of doing a longer run but the heat totally zapped that idea. Opted for hills instead and ran through Green Valley!

Well, I didn't so much get the strength and ruck workouts in this week. Shorter on mileage too (25 miles). Ah well, can't rock them all. 

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