Friday, June 2, 2023

Jackrabbit Weekend

Scott's traveling for work for a few days this week then it's Jackrabbit Camping Weekend! 

Did: 3 mi @ 9:22/mi + 1.3 mi pup walk
Got a few miles at dawn this morning - such a nice cotton candy sunrise! 

Did: 6.3 mi @ 8:36/mi avg
Ran another double 5k loop at work to get 10k today. Having some foot pain in my left arch - kind of goes through the whole foot (i.e. not just on the bottom or top of the arch). Walking is worse than running, so I was able to finish the run, but it's sore to walk on afterwards. Not sure what's up, but keeping an eye on it. 

Did: 30 min strength + 1.73 @ 9:13/mi avg
Got to the work gym for a bit then followed with a short loop on the trails. Foot still bothering me but felt slightly better than yesterday. 

Did: 3.7 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Cut the morning run a little short due to the foot and another side stitch that wouldn't go away. Was able to finish the run and get back to the car but not sure what's up. Maybe need more water? It wasn't in the same place (left side, not right side like last Saturday). Was better/able to run through it if I took really deep breaths so maybe I've just got my breathing off a little. WHO KNOWS.

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:18/mi avg
Just a quick out and back in TR after dropping D at school in the morning. Leaving for camping this afternoon!

Did: 19.04 mi mountain biking + 2.23 mi trail run
Started out on a morning ride with Jamie, Steph, and Jason where we did the Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow trails. I had just gotten back to the campground when the family ride was heading out, so I decided to go back out with them and ride with Scott, D, and another family with kiddos. Total of 19 miles and felt really good! 
SABA Beach

Kids picking trails


In the afternoon I did a short trail run on the Jackrabbit Mtn hiking loop. Pretty trail!

Did: 2.4 mi trail run + 2.5 mi hike + 12.7 mi mountain biking
Another full day of fun outdoors! Started out with an out-and-back solo run on the connector trail, then took some of the kiddos and pup on a hike doing the loop I had run the day before. Finished the afternoon with a solo ride to the orange trail + red trail backwards, then joined by the group for a SABA beach happy hour ride. 
Quiet morning trails

Hiking group - with ALL the sticks!

Orange Trail overlook stop

SABA Beach beer

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