Sunday, June 4, 2023

My foot still hurts

Did: 1.72 mi hike + 1.27 mi run
Return trip from Jackrabbit camping on Monday (Memorial Day), stopped at the Chattooga River Access point on Hwy 76 where pup and I did a short out and back on the Chattooga River Trail. 

Did a short run loop around the neighborhood once we got home. Exhausted from a fun weekend!

Did: 6.52 mi @ 8:45/mi avg
Went out to the Furman track in the morning for Track Tuesday but opted out of any speedwork due to my foot still hurting. I'm going to try to stick with minimal running to see if that'll help it... can't quite figure out what's going on. It's not preventing me from doing anything, but definitely a noticeable pain that hasn't seemed to improve any over the past week or so. It's a sharp pain that is worse when I'm walking down stairs and especially if I'm barefoot. BLERGH.

Did: 1.09 mi @ 8:54/mi 
Just a neighborhood loop, but did get some short pup walks as well. Busy day of appointments during WFH Wednesday. 

Did: 37 min strength + 1.13 mi run
Hit the work gym for some strength and then did a short loop on the Wellness Trail to get in the streak mile. Off-road running seems to be better for the foot than pavement. Doesn't seem to get worse while running but can tell the added activity makes it a little irritated afterwards. 

Did: 1mi run

Did: 1.4 mi hike + 1 mi run
Took D and the pup out to Bunched Arrowhead Preserve again (D's choice) and enjoyed a nice loop on the trail even though it was quite warm out!


Did: 1 mi run
Gonna schedule an appointment to get a referral for some PT on the foot. Tired of stupid 1 mile runs. :(

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