Monday, May 22, 2023

Pup walks and 2 strength workouts

Did: 2 mi @ 9:41/mi + 1 mi pup walk
I need to figure out a better Monday routine. Attempted a strength routine and did 2 minutes before I gave up amidst puppy being all up in my face and thinking I was playing with her while doing russian twists. Maybe Monday is a bike day. idk.

Did: 6.65 mi @ 8:08/mi avg Track Tuesday
Got out on the downtown track this morning and did 3x1 mi + 400m finisher. Was a little sluggish on the first mile, but picked it up after that and felt strong at the end! 7:08, 6:55, 6:50 then did a 93 second 400m. That's probably 10 seconds slower than when I was doing them regularly a couple of summers ago, so I've got to start adding those back in and see what I can do!

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:33/mi + 1 mi pup walk + 40 min strength workout
Got in a quick early neighborhood loop plus puppy walk midday, then actually did a solid strength workout in the basement at home. Felt great!

Did: 6.78 mi @ 8:50/mi avg
Ran a double loop of the 5k course at work during lunch. Always a good reminder how lucky I am to have that trail so accessible when I'm in the office! Really nice overcast day.

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:16/mi + 30 min work gym
Wheeeee two strength workouts in one week! Felt great to get in the gym for a second time, although my arms were still sore from Wednesday's workout. 💪

Did: 4.9 mi @ 10:03/mi avg + 2.36 mi walk
Well, this didn't go as planned. Felt proud of myself getting out early to run an out-and-back to TR, but halfway on the return stretch I developed a side stitch that wouldn't go away and got worse every time I started running. Tried to run/walk interval but it still wouldn't subside, so I ended up stopping the run and walking home the rest of the way. Beautiful morning but sadly the body wouldn't cooperate!

Did: 1.4 mi hike + 3.2 mi @ 8:45/mi run + 60 min Hot Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Wheeeee Sunday Funday (exercise style, not drinking style). Started out in the morning with a short hike with D & pup at Bunched Arrowhead Preserve north of TR. 

Later afternoon I got out for a few miles on the swamp rabbit trail before hot yoga class at Soul Yoga. I've missed this and mannnn I can tell I haven't been in a while! Hoping to get back into the yoga habit more this summer, although I'll admit the hot yoga classes are a lot less appealing in the warmer seasons. Still, I know it's a good practice!

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