Sunday, June 11, 2023

First week of summer!

Scott is out of town all week til Friday afternoon, and my in-office days are flipped this week... so it'll be an oddball week of "just do what you can"!

Did: 1 mi run + 15.3 mi @ 13.7 mph road bike ride
First of all, it's time for the summer routine! Post-camp drop-off run/walk in Cleveland park in the mornings. 😎

Oh boy that was lovely!

Then I decided to stop wallowing about my foot (that actually feels much better today?? but not going to push it...) and hopped on the road bike for a lunchtime ride. Like a REAL ride, not just up and down the Swamp Rabbit! Man it has been forever since I did that, and was so nice. Overcast and not too warm. 

Quiet country roads 😍

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:32/mi 
10kTuesday on the cross-country course at work. Did 2 loops of the 5k... man it was miserably hot and humid. I was DYING by the end. Definitely missing my early morning runs! At least the foot felt ok?

Did: 1 mi run + 1.5 mi walk
Ran early in the morning (YAY nicer temps) before we left for the morning drop-off and commute. In the evening, I picked up D and took the pup with us to the Global Running Day group 5k hosted by Run In. I knew we wouldn't be running nor would we do the entire 5k, but it was still fun to get out and walk/occasionally run a bit (when I got tired of restraining the pup).

Did: 30 min strength + 1 mi treadmill
Hit the gym at lunch and did some strength work, then finished with an easy mile on the treadmill. 

Did: 1.7 mi pup walk + 1 mi run 
Took the pup for a walk on the Swamp Rabbit Trail after morning camp drop-off. Ran a mile loop around the neighborhood at lunchtime.

Did: Sunrise 8k Race
An unseasonably cool morning for this summertime race, but a great time! Had a small but strong showing for the Milliken team, and personally a good overall race for me. Not a course or distance PR, but second fastest time ever for this race and good enough for 1ST age group and 8th overall female!

I wasn't sure what to expect as far as performance in this race since I haven't been doing much mileage lately. Thankfully the foot has been feeling ok this week, so I felt confident enough to run as hard as I wanted to. I didn't have high expectations but just wanted to run a good race and see what happened. Tried not to start off too fast but just told myself to keep a consistent pace and not get caught up in trying to pass people. I felt like I did that and came away with a solid result of 35:48!


1st AG award

Did: 1.5 mi run 
Just an easy neighborhood out and back. 

Overall feeling confident to pick back up on some running miles, but also need to get in more strength work. And more bike time. And more walking. MOAR ACTIVITIES!!!

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