Monday, May 15, 2023

Busy week

Scott out of the country Mon-Fri means an oddball schedule for the week, but making the best of it!

Did: 1 mi run + 1 mi walk
I intended to do some at-home strength workouts but just never got around to it, and it was hot by the time I went running (also due to poor planning and motivation). Sheesh. Not a great start to the week!

Did: 7.2 mi @ 8:23/mi avg
Got to run with the RJ Rockers run club after work for a change of pace! Storms stayed far enough away and it was fun to run in a new place with some new folks. 

Did: 1.7 mi @ 9:30 avg + 1 mi pup walk
A quick out and back in the morning with an unexpected meeting with a stray dog that made me quite nervous. Was able to shoo him away but he was quite interested in following me for a while. 😖

Cute pup walk pics at Furman. :)

Did: 5.04 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
Ran midday through USC Upstate and felt really good about this pace, which was surprising given the heat and hills! 

Did: 1 mi pup walk + 2.2 mi @ 8:51/mi 
Not a lot of spare time today, had to get in a few short things when I could!

Did: 4.7 mi @ 8:20/mi avg + 3.14 mi @ 7:15/mi avg ZF Get in Gear 5k
Got in some early miles on the trail before heading down to the ZF Get in Gear 5k corporate shield race. The 5k course was a lollipop loop with the first and last miles being on paved slightly-rolling road and the middle mile being a combination of road, gravel, and dirt/grass. I felt really strong through the whole race and happy with my performance - good enough for 4th overall female and 1st age group placement! 

Did: 1 mi pup walk + 3.2 mi trail run at Paris Mtn
Took the pup for a neighborhood loop before church in the morning. In the later afternoon I went for an easy trail run at Paris Mtn. I'd wanted to go a good bit farther, but my calves were shockingly sore from yesterday's race efforts! Decided to cut it shorter than planned and enjoyed some quiet reading time in my camp chair by the river.

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