Sunday, December 18, 2022

12 Days of Yeti - Part 1

So, this week begins the 12 Days of Yeti challenge. I've done this one for 2 or 3 years (can't recall at this point) and it's always a fun and unique thing to do. For me who loves a routine and dislikes surprises, it's a challenge to throw caution to the wind and follow whatever comes up each day. 

There's no official start/end time, but after reading a few of the challenges, I decided it makes the most sense to start it this Wednesday (to finish on Xmas Day). There are also not really any rules so I can change things up as I go... but let's see where this gets us. 

Two books selected: The Giver by Lois Lowry and Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
Other two: in progress

Did: 3.1 mi run @ 9min pace + 25 mins strength training
Made it to the work gym, started with a 5k on the treadmill, then did some strength training. My triceps are sore from yoga yesterday. 😳

Did: 6.24 mi @ 8:31/mi avg
Well, this run did not go as planned. Met up with the group downtown, ran to the track... then had to poop. 💩 Thankfully there's a construction site next to the high school where the track is located, so I weeble-wobble-ran my way over there to the port-a-potty. I'm also thankful that my days of running races have cured my fear/disgust over port-a-pottys 😂
Anyway, decided not to take chances after that and just ran a steady pace around the track for the rest of the time there, then headed back to the car. 

Did: 3.25 mi @ 9:57/mi avg
Ran in my work pants and an ugly Christmas sweater on an easy out-and-back on the trail this morning! Slight sprinkle of rain added to the "no excuses" theme for this run. :)


Did: 5.26 mi @ 8:21/mi avg
I was as spontaneous as I could be with this run... but I did just about everything differently from "normal" so I think that counts! I didn't run in the early morning, and I ran on roads that I haven't run in probably 3 years. Since the pandemic changed my work schedule around, I haven't done lunchtime running at the office since pre-COVID days! It was a nice return to something familiar, and yet felt very new all at the same time. 


Did: 3.01 mi walk @ 13:47/mi avg + 3.00 mi run @ 8:00/mi avg
This was tough, mostly because I was quite short on time and had to squeeze it in before leaving town for the night. Walking was the hardest part, knowing I needed to be going faster, but at least that helped me keep the pace pretty speedy! 

Did: 2.35 mi run with 1 mile at 7:10 + 7.82 mi mountain biking
Intended to go to the hotel treadmill to warm up, run the fast mile, then cool down with a few more miles. 

So, outside I went and did the best I could in some unfamiliar neighborhoods around the hotel. Definitely not a PR mile, but certainly a hard effort and felt good to run outside!

On the way back to Greenville, we stopped and did a family mountain bike ride at Lake Welchel trails near Gaffney. We raced the sunset back to the cars, and D did great on his longest non-Jackrabbit mountain bike ride. :)

We just got an air fryer... so I intend to learn that.

Did: 6.7 mi @ 8:30/mi avg + 1.9 mi walk
Early run with a loop around Furman and an out-and-back on the trail. A bit of frost on the ground! Later took a walk before church. 

Just shy of 30 miles for the week - feeling great about that!

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