Monday, November 28, 2022

Turkey Week

Did: 25 min strength + 1.6 mi walk

Did: 6.78 mi @ 7:50/mi + 8 min bodyweight workout
Track Tuesday run downtown and felt great! Did 6x800m repeats all between 3:20-3:25, and the final one at 3:17. Perfect pacing and felt strong throughout.
Got the workout done when I arrived at the gym at work, 8 minutes of core!

Did: 1.1 mi walk + 10 min bodyweight workout
Got in a short walk in the morning after finishing some work meetings, but ended up cutting it a little short because I happened to walk past the Turkey Trot packet pickup and also got a free maple tree! 
Did the bodyweight workout later once I got home. 

Did: 14 mi running 
Started out with a 9 mile run commute from the house to downtown. (9.07 mi @ 8:48/mi) Felt super great and the miles went by amazingly quickly in the early darkness. It was super peaceful on the trail, hardly saw anyone else! Got downtown and met up with Scott, then had a great run at the 8k (4.94 mi @ 7:45/mi). Really pleased with that time after a lengthy warm-up! Also, a strong start to the #RWRunStreak :)

Did: 3.11 mi @ 9:37 mi + 5.4 mi mountain biking
Got in an easy 5k for the Run Streak day 2 before we headed down to the SWU trails for a family mountain bike ride. 

Did: 10.03 mi @ 8:32/mi 
Early run with the downtown group starting from Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery. Just a lovely morning, nice cool temps, and felt quite strong! I had a granola bar before I started running which I think helped give me energy for the run. 

Did: 3.11 mi @ 9:06/mi
Just a short 5k for the #RWRunStreak day 4

Wheeeeee got almost 37 miles of running this week!! Feeling great!

Monday, November 21, 2022

A good solid week!

Did: 2 mi treadmill, 20 min strength training
Warmed up with 2 miles on the treadmill at the work gym, then did bodyweight workout and some upper body weights. 
Accumulate an 8-min plank. Each time you rest, do 10 jumping jacks, 10 high knees (1) and 10 air squats = 11:15 total, held 3 min plank to start!

Did: 6.24 mi @ 8:26/mi
#10kTuesday in the cold rain, but really wasn't that bad and I swear I saw some snowflakes mixed into the drizzle! Decided track did not sound appealing in the forecasted weather, but a regular run on the swamp rabbit trail was just lovely. 

Did: 23 min bodyweight workout + 2.5 mi walk
Started with getting the bodyweight workouts done early in the morning, primarily because at bedtime last night, D said "Mommy I want to lift weights with you in the morning." Well, okay kiddo! So he woke up early, got himself dressed and ready for school, then did some exercises for about 10 minutes with the 5lb dumbbells. Adorable 🥰
Scooted out for a quick midday walk between meetings - nice sunshine but it was chilly!

Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:41/mi
Early downtown run, got to run on the new (and partially not-yet-opened) section of the Swamp Rabbit Trail! It was...very dark lol. But cool to see the expansion... excited to use it when it's fully completed!

Did: 3.1 mi EZ run @ 10:44/mi + 18 min bodyweight workout
Easy miles on the SRT after dropping D off at school (cold! 🥶) then bodyweight workout when I got home. 
Harley was proud.

Did: 12.1 mi between 3 runs + 60 min yoga
Started off with a long-ish run early and surprisingly speedy pace (7.8 mi @ 8:19/mi) then ended at the start of the Zoom through the Zoo 5k, where I ran a sluggish 3.1 mi @ 7:51/mi pace. This is the race I won (first place female) in May of 2021, so the poor performance was a bit tough for me. Still, I ran what I could and did decently well for the team. Finished up with 1.2 mile run/walk back to the car.
Next I had signed up for a flow yoga class at the local brewery, which turned out to be fantastic - great mix of power flow + vinyasa, just the right level of difficulty. I was even sore the next day!
Complimentary beverage included post-yoga class. 

Did: 2 mi walk
After a very active Saturday, I welcomed an easy Sunday. Took a nice walk before church - it was chilly but the sunshine was nice. 

Just a bit under 29 miles for the week... getting there on my 30 mpw goal! 

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Week with the Sore Hamstrings

Did: 1.3 mi walk + 45 min gym session
Took an early morning walk around the neighborhood to start the day. Got to work and mid-morning I FINALLY got in a good lifting session and mannnnn am I sore. I got the bodyweight workout done (starting over with Week 3 to see if I can finally get through this 6-week schedule) plus some weights in the gym. 
50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and crunches

Did: 6.24 mi @ 7:53/mi avg + 2.42 mi @ 8:28 + 10 min bodyweight workout
Started off the day at the track downtown with a beautiful blood moon (full lunar eclipse!) at the beginning before the clouds rolled in. Did 3x1 mile repeats (7:06, 7:03, 7:02) then felt good enough after finishing that I took an extra loop through the park and back to downtown. Lovely morning! 
Then got the bodyweight workout done when I got home... mannnnn everything is sore LOL
30-20-10 countdown to 3-2-1: Russian twists (1), crunches, Spidey abs (1)

Did: 4.13 mi @ 9:30/mi avg
I am shocked by how sore my legs STILL are. OMG. Hamstrings especially, found it hard to move starting out on this easy run. Whew I hope they will loosen up over the course of the day. Yikes.
Midday bodyweight session: 50 reverse situps, 40 alternating plank toe taps (R+L=2), 30 tri dips, 20 pushups, 10 burpees, 1 min plank hold; then go back up

Did: 4 mi treadmill run
My right hamstring is still super painful... worried it might be more than muscle soreness. Ugh. It feels okay after I get it moving (well, at least it doesn't hurt worse) so I feel like just keeping some gentle exercise is the best solution. Ran on the treadmill at the work gym and got in a quick tempo - 1 mile warm-up, 2 mile tempo at 7:30/mi pace, 1 mile cool-down. Not too bad, though I had 3 mile tempo in mind when I started... but decided not to push it.

Did: 3.1 mi @ 9:58/mi
The rain finally cleared up in late afternoon so I took an easy 5k on the trail before I picked D up from school. Felt pretty good, still sore hammy, but it's finally improving. 

Did: 2.3 mi trail run + 4.2 mi hike
Kind of a last minute visit to Paris Mtn State Park, but ended up having a lovely group of folks come out for a hike! Got there a little early and did a quick up and down on Sulphur Springs trail, then met the group and we did the full Sulphur Springs loop (counter-clockwise). Several folks had never been on the hiker-only part of the trail, so that was a fun new experience. :) Turned out to be a lovely morning after the fog burned off.

Did: 3 mi walking + 30 min bodyweight workouts
Did a couple of walks (one in the early morning, then one in the neighborhood near church) in the brisk sunny morning - shocking how much temperatures had dropped since yesterday! Then got the last 2 bodyweight workouts done in the evening... finally the hamstring is happy.
4 rounds (15 min total): 3 mins repeating 6x jump squats, pushups, up-downs, shoulder taps (1) / 1 min rest = 14 rounds total
100 Mtn climbers (2), 90 Russian twists (2), 80 high knees (1), 70 air squats w side leg raise (one side only, do the other leg on the way back), 60s plank, 50 skater lunges (2), 40 shoulder taps (2), 30 push-ups, 20 chair dips, 10 burpees = 11:23

The sore hamstring derailed some of my mileage goals for the week but still managed just over 22 miles for the week. Learned my lesson to not go so hard on the weights after not doing any in a while. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

How is it November already?

Did: 3.1 mi @ 7:23/mi treadmill run
I signed up for a Halloween-themed virtual 5k with some friends so I decided to get it done today (also I was short on time, so it worked out well!).
"Everything Hurts and I'm Dying 5k"


Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:36/mi Track Tuesday
Ran track at Furman today, short on time but got 3x1k done (4:17, 4:19, 4:23) and finished out the 10k total for the day. Struggled with some side stitch pain at the end of the run but it went away once I was done with the run. 

Did: 4.53 @ 10:05/mi avg EZ run
Started in the dark and did a loop down to Furman and back. Very glad to be running more this week!

Did: 5.0 mi treadmill interval run
Had to run on the treadmill at work (two treadmill runs in one week! insanity!) due to Scott traveling. Decided on 10x400m intervals with 200m recovery between. Increased the pace with each 400m, starting with 7:30/mi and got up to ~5:50/mi for the last one. Felt great!

Did: 2.3 mi walk
Took a nice walk in TR after my haircut appointment. Such a pretty day!

Did: 8.52 mi @ 8:19/mi avg + 7.2 mi mountain bike ride
A good day outdoors despite some less than perfect weather! Started the morning with 8.5 dark + rainy miles on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Then went up to Bent Creek for a family mountain bike ride. It's been a minute since I rode some real trails, and it was great! 

Did: 2.5 mi walk 
Meandered through the neighborhood near church while D was in Sunday School. Rain held off while I walked although my shoes got squishy... ew.

Totals for the week:
27.5 miles run
4.8 miles walked
7 miles biked

Not bad! Still working on getting run total at 30+ mpw for a solid pre-marathon base. Will continue to work on that.