Monday, October 31, 2022

Aaaand I'm sick.

Did: 2.4 mi walk
Woke up congested and sneezy. This is expected after not much sleep. Missed my step goal by a few hundred steps but didn't care.... sick and multiple 20k+ days in a row, it was time for a break.

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:22/mi
A tough 10k Tuesday... really did not feel well enough to run but had to get it done. Wasn't sure I'd have enough time before having to go pick up D from school but was able to squeeze it in. 

Did: 2 walks - 3.4 mi total
Fall colors are just 😍

Did: 4.5 mi @ 8:42/mi
Ran on the trail in the morning after school drop-off, felt much better than expected. I think I'm finally getting over this crud.

Did: 3.2 mi walk
Nice walk in TR on the trail after drop-off today. 

Did: 3.5 mi run
This run was a reminder of why I do not run after breakfast. 

Did: 2 mi walk
Meander in the neighborhood by church in the misting rain. In awe of the colors on the trees.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Weekend Wizarding

Did: 30 min strength + walks

Did: 7.01 @ 8:08/mi
Track Tuesday, did 3x 1mi repeats (7:03, 7:06, 7:01) and felt really good. It was quite breezy but not too cold. 

Did: 3.91 mi @ 10:50/mi
EZ miles today and it was the first COLD run of the season... car said 33F when I finished, and that was while it was sitting in the bright sunshine. BRR! 🥶 Gotta get adapted to this kind of thing for winter runninggggggg :)

Thursday - Sunday
Did: a boatload of walking!
Went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter 👓🗲 in Orlando, FL with a group of friends, so did not do any dedicated exercise but mannnnn did we do a lot of walking! 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Crunchy leaves :)

Did: 1.2 mi walk

Did: 6.5 mi @ 8:54/mi
Early downtown run, nobody felt like meeting for track but that was ooookayyyy with me. Little bit on the tired side for no good reason, but still got in a nice #10kTuesday run.

Did: all the walks: 1.8 mi + 2 mi + 0.45 mi
And then I realized my Garmin was being wOnKy and not tracking things or syncing to the computer. I reset it about half a dozen times even though it was still tracking steps... I got well over 10k steps, but somehow it "lost" some when I reset it, and it says I only had ~9700 for the day! LIES! Oh well, I know I hit my goal. 

Did: 6.52 mi @ 8:18/mi 
Nice speedy run this morning on the Lakeview Lollipop... though with the extra loop at the end it's more of a barbell? Anyway. It was a nice run, though warmer than it has been which was not entirely pleasant.

Did: 4.02 mi walk
Took a nice long walk on one of the chilliest mornings yet!
Sunrise over Paris Mtn

Mist over Swan Lake


Did: 6.05 @ 9:05/mi + 1.4 @ 8:25 + 3.7 mi @ 7:35/mi
All the runs today! Started with the downtown group for about an hour of running, then solo for a little bit while I waited for the Swamp Rabbit Cafe to open so I could get breakfast :)  Finally ran the GE 6k cross-country race on the gorgeous Hartness Nature Preserve. Total of about 11 miles today!
Dawn on the trail


Mountains in the distance 

Did: 2.8 mi walk
Solo walk around the neighborhood and trails at the horse farm. 

Siiiiiigh, fall. 🍁🍂🍃😍

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Forgot to blog, whoops.

Did: 30 min strength 
Started the morning at the work gym for a strength session. Still not a good long session but at least got 30 mins done which felt good. 

Did: 7.03 mi @ 8:08/mi Track Tuesday
Felt SO good and strong today, and it was chilly which made it even better. 
400 (98s), 4x800 (3:21, 3:19, 3:16, 3:14), 400 (86s)

Did: 4 mi EZ run/walk, 12-min bodyweight workout, 6 mi bike ride
All the activities today!

Did: 7.2 mi @ 8:19/mi avg 
Lakeview Lollipop with extra, plus 3x30s strides at the end

Did: 2.24 mi walk

Did: 9.78 mi @ 8:52/mi 
Batman route! Nice to get in some solid miles before a crazy day.

Did: 9 mi bike ride, 2 mi walk

Monday, October 3, 2022

Oh yes, I'm IN for real!

Did: 30 min walk + 20 min strength training
Stopped at Furman for a short early morning walk on the way to work, then hit the gym as soon as I got to the office. 
20 RFT: 5 pushups, 6 mtn climbers, 7 air squats = 9:15
Didn't do quite the extensive strength workout that I'd had in mind, but more than just the bodyweight workout. 

Did: 6.5 mi @ 8:02/mi avg Track Tuesday + 6 min core
Had a great group today for downtown Track Tuesday! Most of us ended up doing 1k repeats - I did 4x 1k (4:20, 4:13, 4:17, 4:20) + 2x200m (41s each). Felt amazing with the cool fall temps, I almost wished I'd brought some sleeves. 
Did the bodyweight core workout when I got to work.
5 Days of Core:
1- 60s plank
2- bicycle crunches
3- reverse situps
4- Russian Twists
5- flutter kicks
= 6:30

Did: 3.73 mi @ 12:53/mi EZ run/walk + 15-min bodyweight workout + 5.7 mi bike ride
Started off the morning with a run/walk on the SRT - lovely and cool, felt great.

Midday at home, did the bodyweight workout. Improved a good bit on this one vs. 6 weeks ago, so feeling great about that!
2x 90s each, 30s rest between each 90s: shoulder taps, up-downs, high-knees, squat & pulse (hold low squat and pulse), Score is total of each = 
taps 68+70=138
updowns 33+37=70
knees 102+117=219
squats 97+115=212
Finished the day by riding my bike to D's soccer practice.

Beautiful sunset!

Did: 7.3 mi @ 8:51/mi including 6x Hill Repeats + 6 min bodyweight workout
Mannnnn what a perfect morning! Chilly and breezy for the group run downtown. Ran 5 miles together then a few of us were brave enough to tackle a few repeats up and down the hill near the Governor's school. 
Did the bodyweight workout once I got to the work gym:
50 RTs, 40 flutter kicks, 30 single-leg glute bridge, 20 crunches, 10 side plank crunch (hold side plank, touch elbow to knee), 10 other side plank crunch, 20 reverse crunch, 30 single-leg glute bridge (other side), 40 flutter kicks, 50 RTs = 5:55

THEN while I was sitting in a meeting, I got the OFFICIAL EMAIL!

Did: 3.27 mi @ 12:11/mi avg + 15 min bodyweight workout
Hurricane warnings and school shifted to e-Learning for the day, so my schedule was a bit disrupted. Got out for a run/walk in the mid-morning...intended to just be a walk but with the unknown timing of the storms rolling in, I decided to hurry things up a little by slow jogging some portions. Turned out to be lovely, just a bit breezy!

Got the bodyweight workout done later in the day.
3x 30s each: jacks, fast feet, jump squat, mtn climbers, high knees, TD squat, forward kick (alternating legs), rest

Did: 3.6 mi bike ride w/ D
A pretty casual day other than some walking around and a short bike ride with D on the Swamp Rabbit Trail in the afternoon. 

Did: 12.35 mi @ 8:43/mi
Long run in the morning and mannnn those temperatures were perfect! Started just before the sun came up and had beautiful sunshine by the end. Finished with 4x20s strides even though I was sooooo tired/hungry. Felt good to give a little push at the end. Beautiful run!