Sunday, April 24, 2022

#BeastModeSummer - Week 3

I'm repeating the last 2 weeks of bodyweight routines two more times to see how much I can improve. I'll post the previous one for comparison each day.

Did: 12-min bodyweight workout
Return travel from our trip to Florida so not a lot of time to work out, plus tired. But got the bodyweight workout done for today. 
10 Days of Xmas:
10 burpees
9 glute bridges
8 mtn climbers (R+L=1)
7 russian twists (R+L=1)
6 tricep pushups
5 sumo squats
4 skater lunges (R+L=2)
3 jumping jacks
2 jump squats
1 30s plank
Round 1 (4/4) - 14:30
Round 2 (4/18) - 12:36

Did: 7.84 mi @ 7:55/mi avg + 7-min bodyweight workout
Started the morning at the Furman track and got in a SUPER 7x800m speed workout. Kept great consistency on the repeats, targeting 3:30 and kept 3:27-3:32 for all of them except the final one with intentional extra push for 3:15, and of the others only one was 3:32, the rest were all 3:27-3:29. Felt good about that especially since my hips/lower back were pretty tight. 
Did the bodyweight workout later in the morning - quick ab routine!
30-20-10 countdown to 3-2-1: Russian twists (R+L=1), crunches, Spidey abs (R+L=2)
Round 1 (4/5) = 6:49
Round 2 (4/19) = 7:06 (boooo being lazy)

Did: 55-min gym workout, including bodyweight routine
Started with the bodyweight routine...
15 min AMRAP: 5 pushups, 4 high-low plank (up+down = 1), 3 heels-to-heaven
Round 1 - 28
Round 2 - 24 (blahhh)

...then finished with weights in the gym. Need to figure out a good way to track this sort of thing. Today I did 3 sets of each superset below.

8x bicep curls - 18lb db
10x chest cable fly - 30lb
10x deadlift - 2x25lb bb
8x OHP - 18lb db
10x cable reverse fly - 30lb
10x squat - 2x25lb rack
10x cable tricep pulldown - 45lb
10x shoulder fly - 8lb db
20x resistance band side step
20x heels to heaven
20x russian twists
20x crunch w/ med ball - 16lb

Did: 5.02 mi @ 8:56/mi avg trail run
Got to run on the cross-country trails at work in the lovely sunshine at lunch. Been over 2 years since I've run during lunch on those trails! 

Did: 25-min bodyweight workout
Had to make up yesterday's and today's bodyweight workouts. That was tough, but made a good workout overall!
20 RFT: 4x each shoulder taps (R+L=1), mtn climbers (R+L=1), up-down, tuck jumps 
Round 1 - 10:14
Round 2 - 9:14
30s each, 3x through: TD squat, fast feet, jump shot, up-downs, mtn climbers, bicycle crunches, glute bridge, jump rope (pretend or for real!), shoulder taps, rest
Done and done.

Did: 9.54 mi @ 8:19/mi avg
Ran a hilly route as the sun rose over Green Valley. Beautiful morning, nice and cool but warm enough to not wear sleeves. Just one of those runs that makes you smile all over. 

Did: 38 min Yoga for Heart Opening w/ Adriene
An unexpected awakening early this morning (D had a croupy breathing episode) made me less than enthusiastic/energetic about a hard workout, so I opted for some gentle yoga instead. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

#BeastModeSummer - Week 2

We'll call this Week 2 but I really don't have any kind of plan outlined. Just going to keep running, strength training, and having fun. :)

Did: 52 mins strength training at the work gym
Back in the work gym, and had time for a solid workout today! Squat rack, heavy dumbbells for curls, cable machine, barbell for deadlifts. Oh yesssss. 
Started off with a bodyweight workout:
3 min on each move: mtn climbers (R+L=1), tricep dips, Russian twist, pushups. Score is total moves completed.
Score = 151, 92, 167, 63
Ooooof that was hard. Then went to work with lifting for the rest of my time there. 

Did: 6.22 mi @ 8:13/mi avg
Ran at the Furman track today since I was planning to WFH, and felt pretty good although my effort felt hard for the paces I ended up running. Eh, maybe not enough fuel yesterday. Still great to get out there on the purple track!
400m @ 1:37
800m @ 3:25
1600m @ 7:03
400m @ 1:40

Got home and did the bodyweight workout for the day:
accumulate an 8-min plank. Each time you rest, do 5 jumping jacks + 5 squats. Score is total time.
Score = 11:38
Oh, my shoulders.

Did: 17-min strength workout
Waited until the end of the day to do this so was short on time, but got the bodyweight workout + some upper body strength done.
30-20-10 down to 3-2-1: reverse sit-ups, alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2), burpees
Total ~12 or 13 mins

Did: 6.01 mi @ 8:31/mi + bodyweight workout
Ran on the Swamp Rabbit Trail up to TR and back, then did the bodyweight workout in the parking lot before heading home. A good start to the day!

25 RFT: 4 shoulder taps (L+R=1), 4 jumping jacks, 4 TD Squats
Total time 7:29 (not including a ~30 second break after 15 reps)

Did: 1.94 mi walk
Took a walk around the in-laws' neighborhood while visiting. Warm and sunny Florida weather was definitely a nice change!

Did: 6.46 mi @ 9:11/mi
Slow and warm Florida running. Up and down the A1A, didn't make it to Mar-a-Lago like I'd somewhat hoped but this was as good as the run was going to get without being adapted to the higher temps.

Did: 10-min bodyweight workout
No time for much workout today, but did get Friday's bodyweight workout done in the hotel between visits and beach trips.
15 RFT: 10 air squats + 10 pushups
Did all the pushups on knees. 9:08 total time.

Feeling good about the bodyweight/strength work I've gotten done in the past few weeks, and looking forward to continuing!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Race Report: Ville-to-Ville Relay

Had another fun year with Team Quest (R.I.P. - Quest Brewing sadly closed its doors this year) at the Ville-to-Ville Relay on Saturday!

This is my 5th year running this event, and 4th year as part of this team. Always a great time. The craziest part of this year is that it SNOWED at the start and for about the first half of the race! Beautiful flurries the entire time we were running, until we crossed the state line from NC to SC. Just wild to have snow and freezing temps in April, and then it was beautiful and sunny by the time we finished!

Team at the start line

6:00am Start gets going!

Snow! ❆

Once again, I ran legs 2 (The Hillman) and 8.

Leg #2: 5.95 mi @ 8:51/mi avg
This leg climbs about 500 ft in Mile 2, then rolls downhill for the next 4 miles. It's a steeper climb than Altamont, and I hadn't been training hills as much as I would have liked. I could definitely tell - this was tough!
Nice little hill there.

I was so happy to get my sunglasses at the end of this leg though! Best part - they're PURPLE! 


We had our usual transition location at Southern Appalachian Brewing where I enjoyed a breakfast burrito and porter at about 9:00am.
Breakfast of champions!

Leg #8: 6.21 mi @ 8:07/mi
This leg was allllll downhill, from the state line down the 1000+ft. Saluda grade, ending at the bottom. Last year I set a 10k PR on this leg, but this year I decided to just cruise down and not kill my quads. This was a good decision and made the leg pretty enjoyable! 
Down, down, down

Tiny snowflake on Scott's jacket

Made it to Swamp Rabbit Brewing!

We eventually made it all the way to the finish line and enjoyed the celebration and the sunshine there. We're already signed up for next year with a slight name change: Team Quest in Peace. 🙏😊

Slight challenge... next year's Ville to Ville is Saturday, April 15th... and Boston Marathon is Monday, April 17th.... hmmmmmmmm gonna have to figure that one out. 

The week with Ville-to-Ville

I don't know what to title my post this week... we'll see if I get inspired later on. 

Did: 30 min strength training
First day back in the work gym in over 2 years! Also re-starting the daily (5 days/wk) bodyweight exercises. #BeastModeSummer
Body weight exercises (14:30-ish total time)
10 Days of Xmas:
10 burpees
9 glute bridges
8 mtn climbers (R+L=1)
7 russian twists (R+L=1)
6 tricep pushups
5 sumo squats
4 skater lunges (R+L=2)
3 jumping jacks
2 jump squats
1 30s plank
Then did some curls + overhead dumbbell press (16lb weights), rows and flys with the cable machine, and leg press.

Did: 6.4 mi @ 8:15/mi Track Tuesday + 7-min core
Back to the track downtown with, apparently, the rest of Greenville! It was so crowded, and they had the lights on and the high school track team out by 6am... not a fan, but I realize it is their track. Might have to go back to Furman if these shenanigans continue.
Anyway, got 2x 1mi (6:59, 6:53) done. Not super fast but good enough for today. 

In the evening, did the daily bodyweight workout which was a quick core set:
30-20-10 countdown to 3-2-1: Russian twists (R+L=1), crunches, Spidey abs (R+L=2)
Total time = 6:49

Did: 30 min strength workout
Got the bodyweight workout done first, then did another 15 mins of weights including dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance band.
15 min AMRAP: 5 pushups, 4 high-low plank (up+down = 1), 3 heels-to-heaven
total 28 reps

Did: 5.3 mi @ 8:38/mi avg
Just a nice EZ run around Furman this morning, foggy and humid and warm.
Actually drove to work and showered in the locker room for the first time in forever... so weird how that used to be standard routine, now it's odd! I forgot I was going to do the bodyweight workout in the gym when I got here... remembered about halfway through my shower. Oops. Guess I'll double-up tomorrow!

Did: bodyweight workout from Thursday + 60 min Power Vinyasa w/ Karina
In the afternoon I did the bodyweight workout I'd forgotten from Thursday
20 RFT: 4x each shoulder taps (R+L=1), mtn climbers (R+L=1), up-down, tuck jumps (
Time = 10:14
Then went to a Power Vinyasa class at Soul Yoga after work, which was faaaaantastic. Man I have missed going to those hot yoga classes! Felt tough but amazing to sweat.

Did: Ville-to-Ville Relay
Oh yeah, that was this week... Race Report forthcoming!

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout
30s each, 3x through: TD squat, fast feet, jump shot, up-downs, mtn climbers, bicycle crunches, glute bridge, jump rope (pretend or for real!), shoulder taps, rest

Not a bad week at all! Getting in those strength sessions for #BeastModeSummer

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Weird schedule week

 So, this week (3/28-4/1) I'm supporting an EU-based team at work... from the US. Which means weird work hours and sleep schedules. Gonna be a bit of a hot mess for workouts, but we'll see what happens.

[1 week later...]

Well, I was right! I started that blog entry and then wrote nothing for the rest of the week. I woke up at 3:45 am most days, worked 4am-1:30pm, some days got a nap but mostly not, then worked out in the afternoon before picking up D from school. 

Monday was 20 mins full body flow yoga + 25 min walk

Tuesday ran 6.25 mi @ 8:36/mi avg for #10kTuesday on the Swamp Rabbit trail in TR.

Wednesday did 40 mins of strength training

Thursday a short 20-min walk in the neighborhood with D before dinner

Friday got 50 mins of full body flow yoga

Saturday did a long run of 10.06 mi @ 8:34/mi avg - yessss this was a great run!

Sunday played soccer with D for about an hour then a 30-min walk at Conestee while D rode his bike along the trail.