Tuesday, July 6, 2021

5 Weeks to Spartan Super

Did: 250 russian twists + 30 min yoga with Adriene for low back & hamstrings
Didn't have a lot of time today, but got the bodyweight workout done and half hour of nice easy yoga. I like the YWA series because I can pick by how long the video is and what I want to focus on, but it's all verrrry low impact so I might need to mix it in with some Soul Yoga power flow on occasion.

Did: 8.3 mi @ 8:36/mi Track Tuesday
Track Tuesday in the rainnn with a great group! Megan, Matt, Chris, and Jeremy all joined for a great morning in the sprinkling rain. It actually felt really nice!
2x 1mi (6:44, 6:53)
2x 1k (4:17, 4:15)
2x 400 (1:38, 1:22) - I started the first one with a 600 in mind then cut it to 400 when I realized what time it was, so I definitely could have pushed it faster. Oh well, had plenty of fire left for the Hot 400 finisher! 🔥

Did: 35 min strength workout
Going into the office today for the first time in FoReVeR so I got up early to do an at-home strength and bodyweight routine. 

40 rounds for time: 5 gorilla hops + 5 up-downs
18:09 total time

40-30-20-10 jumping jacks + sit-ups; then 10-20-30-40 mountain climbers (R+L = 1) + jump squats
12:36 total time

Did: 3.2 mi @ 8:58/mi avg + 20 min yoga
Wanted to get in a few miles but it was already soooo hot, went out and sweated like crazy. Still felt good though!

Got home and did a 20-min Yoga w/ Adriene for neck and shoulders. Lots of hours spreadsheeting has got my neck stiff and some stretchy goodness definitely helped. 

Have been hoping to take the day off for a long trail run tomorrow but the weather is looking horrid... hoping it changes!

Did: 5.86 mi @ 9:07/mi avg
Did not end up taking the day off for a trail run because of rain allllll day. Took a chance with a short break in the rain to run on the Swamp Rabbit after dropping D off at camp. "Break in the rain" turned out to be uhhh not quite true, but it was a nice run in the sprinkle anyway. Definitely good to have some relief from the heat and sun!

Did: 8.45 mi @ 10:50/mi avg trail run
Headed to Sesquicentennial State Park for a nice run on some new trails. It was really nice, not too crowded, although the terrain was often fine white sand covered in pine straw which made for an energy-intensive run.

Felt great to get some good miles in the woods!

Did: Bodyweight workouts x3 (45 min total), 4.2 mi run 
Had to catch up on bodyweight workouts... whew this made for a solid morning of exercise!
Workout 1: 5 min sets, 30 sec each of: touchdown squats, flutter kicks, reverse sit-ups, gorilla hops, fast feet, tricep pushups, lateral lunges, Russian twists, plank, rest. Do 4 sets (20 min total).

Workout 2: AMRAP in 15 min: 5 pushups + 5 flutter kicks (R+L = 1) + 5 table pullups
(21 reps total)

Workout 3: 12 Days of Xmas Style
* 1 jumping lunge (R+L)
* 2 jump squats
* 3 mountain climbers (R+L = 1)
* 4 pushups
* 5 fast feet (R+L = 1)
* 6 starfish situps (R+L = 2)
* 7 chair dips
* 8 up-downs
* 9 jumping jacks
* 10 Russian twists
* 11 air squats
* 12 shoulder taps (R+L = 1)
(11:54 time)

Then I decided to head out for 4 miles (for July 4th!) and get myself up to the 30 mile mark for the week. YAY, loving the higher mileage. :) Ended up being a progression run (unintentional) which was fun. It's amazingly not that humid so the shade along Lake Road actually felt nice. 

Then enjoyed some refreshments on the water :)

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