Monday, June 28, 2021

6 Weeks to Spartan Super

Ok, back in town means back on track with the bodyweight workouts.

Did: 30-min bodyweight workout + 20 min yoga with Adriene
I did the assigned bodyweight workout for today and man this is one of the hardest/longest ones. Whew. 

12 Days of Xmas (do the reps like the song...): 
12 jumping jacks
11 Russian twists
10 high knees (L+R=1)
9 standard push-ups
8 mtn climbers (L+R=1)
7 tricep push-ups
6 curtsy squats (L+R=2)
5 burpees
4 jump squats
3 bicycle crunches (L+R=1)
2 Spidey abs (L+R=1)
1 min plank

Yes, that results in a total of 12 minutes of planking. UGH.

Then I did a short "fill your cup" yoga video on YouTube from a series my mom recommended. It was really nice and relaxing! I'll probably try to use this more. Also, it's International Day of Yoga. ॐ

Did: 8.26 mi @ 8:08/mi avg Track Tuesday + 9-min core workout
Started off with a great Track Tuesday - got sprinkled on a little at the beginning which made it grossly humid, but the rest of the workout went great. I did 
6x 1000m (4:04, 4:12, 4:14, 4:17, 4:14, 4:22)
with a spicy 400m (82s) sprint to finish!

The bodyweight workout was a core-focused workout that I did when I got home.
25x each
Heels-to-heaven (aka reverse crunch)
Heel touch side to side (L+R=1)
Legs overhead, crunch up to touch toes
Bicycle crunch (L+R=2)
Flutter or scissor legs
Russian twist (L+R=1)

Repeat 3x

 Did: 30-min strength workout
Bodyweight plus some weights to follow (mostly upper body). 

1 min each:
Mtn climbers
Skater lunges
Jumping jacks
High knees
Fast feet
Shoulder taps
Punch & kick
Gorilla hops
Repeat all at 30s intervals

Did: 3.54 mi @ 8:33/mi run + 15-min bodyweight workout
Dropped D off at summer camp in the morning then went to Cleveland Park for a few miles just because I could! Felt nice to just relax and run in the morning sunshine.
Got home and did a 15-min bodyweight workout.
15 min AMRAP: 5 push-ups, 6 pistol squats (3 each side), 7 touchdown squats 
>> Result = 18 reps

Did: 6.47 mi @ 7:58/mi avg + 20-min bodyweight workout
Got to run early today and wow, it actually was comfortable! Ran a bit on the Swamp Rabbit + looped around Furman for a nice change... man I have missed running that campus.
Did bodyweight workout when I got home. 

10 min clock
4x up downs, tricep dips, jump squats
add 2 reps each round
Rest 2 min
Start where you left off, count back down to 4 reps, and try to beat 10 mins

9:35 for 18 reps up / 7:10 down

Did: 9.8 mi @ 7:55/mi 
Whewwww this was a fast run! Ack. The last time we did this route I blamed it on Coggins being speedy... this time he wasn't there to blame it on, so I guess we just... run fast? Yikes. 0_0 Anyway, this felt like a hard run but I'm still shocked to see just how fast it was. Wowza.

Did: 3.01 mi @ 8:42/mi
Needed a mental reset so I headed out for a few miles in the afternoon. Bad idea, too hot, came home and crashed on the couch for 40 minutes... but I *did* feel better after all of that, so maybe it was a good idea after all?

Plus it put me over 30 miles of running for the week 🥳

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