Monday, July 12, 2021

4 Weeks to Spartan Super

At the lake until Friday!

Did: 24.6 mi road bike ride w/ Scott + 250m swim
Went out for a nice road ride with Scott around the lake (ok we didn't go around the lake but we were near the lake). Felt good to get out for a spin! I could definitely tell from my legs and my butt that I have not been on a bike for any significant amount of time recently. It was tough but good!

Then I attempted to use my Garmin to track an open water swim around the cove, but it didn't do so well... I probably got 250m done before I called it quits. 

Did: 8.1 mi @ 9:11/mi avg + 18 min bodyweight workout + 1.9 mi lake kayaking
Ran the Rolling Hills neighborhood loop for this morning's #10kTuesday (and then some) which is always a good and challenging route. It's definitely more humid today than it has been the past few days (darn).
Country roads

Did Monday's workout today when I got back. 

50-40-30-20-10 shoulder taps (R+L=1) and air squats
10-20-30-40-50 skater lunges (R+L=2) and sit-ups
18:30 total time

Did some lake kayaking in the late afternoon - close to 2 miles to "turkey foot cove" and back. Definitely a good arm and oblique workout!

Did: 40 mins bodyweight workout
Made up for 2 days of bodyweight workouts. These were tough!

30s each x3 rounds
thread the needle (R), high/low planks, thread the needle (L), Mtn climbers, fast feet, high knees, jumping jacks, sumo squats, touchdown squats, rest

25 RFT: 6 pistol squats (R+L=2), 7 pushups, 8 bicycle crunches (R+L=1)
23:12 for this set

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout
Rain rain rain kept me from running. Did the tough AMRAP workout and got 35 rounds (4 more than last time!). Tried hard to get 3 dozen but couldn't quite make it.
15 min AMRAP: 4x each star jumps, Russian twist (R+L=1), shoulder taps, up-downs

Did: 5.09 mi @ 10:07/mi avg run/walk
Just could not get the energy or motivation to run today, and the humidity probably had something to do with it! Soooo soupy. Only thing good to say about this run is that it happened. Woof.

Did: 15.26 mi @ 8:34/mi avg + 0.86 mi cooldown walk
Back in town after a week away, and got in a fantastic long run with the downtown group! I knew I wanted more than 12 miles today but didn't have much planned beyond that. Ran with folks running much farther so I hung on as long as I could, pushed myself, but then listened when my body (mostly legs/feet) said ENOUGH. This was a great run, and much faster than I thought it would be!
Post-run treat under the bridge by the falls :)

Did: 2mi walk, 30 min strength (bodyweight + weights), 12 min yoga
A great Sunday! Took D to the playground and walked laps around the perimeter while he played. Felt good to move the legs after yesterday's hard run.
Then did 30 mins of strength training in the afternoon plus 12 mins of yoga before relaxing at the pool for the afternoon.

30 miles this week between running and walking, with a little over 28 of those running! Not too bad for only 3x running during the week. Gonna need to work in some more shorter/easier days to increase mileage. I've held at 30 pretty comfortably lately, time to up the game in prep for longer mileage soon!!

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