Sunday, July 25, 2021

2 Weeks to Spartan Super

So I'm writing this about 2 weeks late... things have been a little crazy.

I went back to the office this week (for 2 days) then went on vacation to Boston with the family for the end of the week. 

Did: 3.05 mi run + 15 min bodyweight workout
Up early for this one due to needing to be in the office and the office gym/locker room not planning to be opened for the foreseeable future. Got a few loops around the neighborhood plus a bodyweight workout done.

1 min of each: plank, Russian twists, flutter kicks, shoulder taps, reverse crunch, rest
Repeat all, 1 min
Repeat all, 30 sec

Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:03/mi avg Track Tuesday
Track workout is 3x1 mi (6:47, 6:53, 6:54) plus a hot 400 (82 seconds!) at the finish. Great time as always. 

Did: 50 min bodyweight workouts, also got 20k+ steps for the day
Got up early to get these done before leaving for vacation! 

5 rounds (20 min total): 3 mins repeating 6x jump squats, pushups, up-downs, shoulder taps (L+R=1) / 1 min rest
18 reps total

100 Mtn climbers, 90 Russian twists, 80 high knees, 70 air squats w side leg raise (one side only, do the other leg on the way back), 60s plank, 50 skater lunges (R+L=2), 40 shoulder taps (R+L=2), 30 table or towel pull-ups, 20 chair dips, 10 burpees >> then go back up 😇 (but don't repeat the burpees, you're welcome 😉 )
23:33 total time


Helpful Harley

Sweat Angel

Did: 15 min bodyweight workout in the hotel, 20k+ steps

15 min AMRAP: 3 burpees, 5 pushups, 7 situps
I lost count... it was kinda half-assed.

Did: 6.74 mi @ 10:08/mi, 20k+ steps
Run in Boston! I ran from the hotel to Fenway Park, then back along the final mile of the Boston Marathon. Got to see that famous finish line, and then headed back to the hotel. A little slow due to city streets and navigating, but otherwise a beautiful run!

Did: 1.7 mi walk to the Aquarium, included in yet another 20k+ step day
Walked all the way from the hotel to the aquarium, with a little breakfast stop on the way.

It was at this time that Garmin told me I was on a PR streak for achieving my daily step goal... you know I love a good streak, so I decided to set the goal at a static 10k/day (instead of Garmin continuously increasing the goal) and see how long I can keep it going.

Did: 1mi neighborhood walk, 10k Steps done
Had to go the long way to the pool through the neighborhood to get some extra steps in... :)

Definitely not so many miles this week, but a whole lot of walking!

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