Friday, June 25, 2021

7 Weeks to Spartan Super

First week of work travel in, um, a long time!

(Note: that's all I got written of this entry before Thursday of the following week... ) 🙈

There were FAR too many late nights and long workdays to get in a decent workout but I at least made some time for a walk. 

Did: 18-min bodyweight workout + 0.6 mi walk
Went for a quick walk along the riverfront of Owensboro, KY after dinner then did a bodyweight workout in the hotel room when I got back.
Riverfront Sunset

Start with 50 Russian twists, then accumulate a 10-min plank. After each break, do 50 fast feet (L+R = 1) + 20 squats
>> ended up with 2:30 first plank then mostly ~90s after that

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:28/mi avg + 1.2 mi walk 
Had a colleague willing to wake up early and join me for #10kTuesday along the river front and main street areas close to the hotel. Ended up doing 4x 1.5-mile loops due to not knowing the area... we wanted to go across the bridge into Indiana on the other side of the Ohio River, but sadly there was no safe pedestrian passage across. 
The bridge we'd hoped to cross

In the (late) evening our group discovered the only bar open past 9pm on a Tuesday was about half a mile away... so of course we went. 

Did: 1.5 mi walk
That's all I could manage before crashing - late night Tuesday and a looooong workday made for an early night but enjoyable sunset walk along the river front.

Did: 4.01 mi @ 8:50/mi + 1.35 mi walk
Got out for a few miles in the morning and ran mostly the same loop as I'd done Tuesday. 

In the late evening walked to (once again) the only bar open after 10pm on a Thursday. 

Did: 0.33 mi walk w/ D
This barely counts as a workout and we would have gone farther but kept running into neighbors who wanted to chat - oh well! It's something, and I enjoyed my time with Super D after being away all week. 

Did: 13.27 mi @ 9:13/mi avg
Just...felt like running a half marathon today. So I did! Started through Green Valley, looped through Furman around the lake (first time in 15+ months!!), and felt great and happy for the whole run. 


Did: 1hr strength training + 0.5 mi walk w/ D
Got in a solid hour of weights (yessss) then took D to the playground and walked a couple loops around the 1/4-mile perimeter track with him before the rain moved in.

Close to 30 miles for a travel week between the runs and walks... I'll call it pretty darn ok! :)

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