Sunday, June 13, 2021

8 Weeks to Spartan Super

Still pretty jazzed that I got over 40 miles last week... going to be hard to do that this week without a 17 miler in the books to start off! 

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout + 2-mi run @ 8:26/mi
Got started with the bodyweight workout for the day - going back through the DIY routines for a second time, so will compare to last time and see how much improvement I can make!
40 rounds for time: 3 pushups, 3 sit-ups, 3 sumo squats
First time around did 14:02, this time did 12:44 and even got negative splits because I glanced at my watch after 20 rounds and was around 6:38. Whew.

Then I decided I wanted a little more of a workout so I went for a couple of quick miles around the neighborhood... humidity is no joke right now!

Did: 7.41 mi Track Tuesday + 20 min bodyweight workout
Climbed the ladder at the track today, then finished with a PR 400m sprint!
400 - 1:40
800 - 3:23
1200 - 5:13
1600 - 7:05
Hot 400 in 80.3s (yessssss)

Got in the bodyweight workout when I got home which wasn't too bad but definitely felt it after a hard track workout!
20 min running clock. 30sec each of: 1) fast feet, 2) jumping jacks 3) running in place (high knees) 4) calf raises 5) squats 6) squat jumps up a stair (or two); one min rest. Repeat all until you hit 20 minutes

Did: 30 min strength workout
Did the bodyweight workout plus some weights. Felt good to lift again!
Each round is: 5 push-ups + 6 jumping lunges + 7 mountain climbers; repeat 20 rounds
Time 8:27 (vs. 9:23 last time!)

Did: 20 min bodyweight workout + 2.6 mi walk
Everything fell apart for Altamont in the morning, and then had to squeeze this workout in during a conference call... blah. But at least it's better than nothing.
Static Day! Alternate 60 sec wall-sit + 60 sec plank. Repeat 10x (20 min total)

Did: 11-min bodyweight workout
Knowing the weekend would hold some pretty hefty workouts I did the bare minimum today, and that's okay.
30-26-22-18-14-10-8-4 up-downs + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 towel pull-ups

Did: 1.29 mi warmup + Sunrise 8k + 5.07 mi post-race miles + 3.6 stroller miles = 14.84 miles run
Ummm yeah this turned into a big day of running, and it was all awesome! First up was the Sunrise 8k, one of my favorite local races. 

Sunrise 8k Race Report

After the race I ran another 5 mile loop in Simpsonville which was a nice revisit of my old stomping grounds when I was first really getting in to running! Then I met Scott & D at Cleveland Park and took D out for a few more miles in the stroller. Total of almost 15 miles, not bad for one day! Definitely felt tired by the end but not too bad. 

Did: Big Dumb Workout (2 hours)
So I get a text from John (Spartan teammate) earlier in the week asking if I want to join him for "a 90-minute workout" on Sunday. I say sure. 

The Workout:
30 minute AMRAP - 
- 2x sandbag get up and run
- 20x step-ups
- 10x burpees
- 2x Tarzan pull-ups
3 mile run
30 minute AMRAP - 
- 5x sandbag clean & press
- 60s dead hang
- 6 prone to sprint
3 mile run

I texted John at one point, questioning the timing of 90 minutes after reading the workout in more detail...
Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion. 

Oh well, I'd already committed at that point!

I headed to John's around 7:45 and we spent 15 minutes going through the workout and figuring out the equipment we'd need to complete it. The sandbag he had was somewhere around the 48lb mark, and it was quickly evident that I was not going to be able to use it for the get-ups or clean & press (the event specified 40 lb for women). I ended up using a 20-lb weighted backpack for the get-ups and a 40lb barbell for the clean & press. We also both modified from the 60s dead hang (no wayyyyy dude) to 3x10s dead hang using a towel through a ring. That was still dang tough to do! Everything else was as-written. 

On the runs, I stuck with John for our 3 laps around the neighborhood and we finished right at the 30-minute mark. On the second one I decided to pick up the pace and see what I could do, and I finished in about 24:46. Woot! 
Tally board 💥

Overall we both agreed it was a solid, hard workout but not to the point where we both felt completely wiped and drained. Really good! Kind of interested to see what future weeks bring (apparently there's one of these every weekend with the program he's doing).

Weekly Miles = 32.8
Not bad! Really happy with how this week went, felt like I got enough done and pushed hard on the weekend. Feeling strong and confident!

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