Monday, April 26, 2021

Uhhh the week after Ville-to-Ville ?

Did: RF Day 27 + DIY Bodyweight workout
Decided 3x through RF was enough for now, so I'm planning to continue with some DIY bodyweight workouts each day in a similar style (just 15-20 mins or so). I had to make up the final RF from last week though (can't leave it incomplete!) and then do the planned workout for today. I was pretty sore from V2V (oh my quads) so this was a good recovery day.

Did: 6.21 mi Track Tuesday + bodyweight workout
Another great day at the track, though a little shorter due to some repaving of the Swamp Rabbit Trail on our usual warmup/cooldown segment. Did 5x 1k (4:16, 4:20, 4:21, 4:21, 4:25) then finished with an all-out 400m (1:25!!).

Did: 37 min strength
Did my own strength workout with weights today + some bodyweight exercises. Finally not feeling sore from Saturday!

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont + bodyweight workout
Got back up the mountain today! Not a PR climb and could tell the legs were still pretty tired from Saturday even though they weren't sore anymore. The bodyweight workout was a static hold routine (alternating 60s plank + 60s wall sit) which was tough after the run!

Did: bodyweight workout + 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
Good standard yoga flow today, felt good and stretchy!

Did: 7.66 mi @ 7:44/mi
Ran early on the Doodle Trail again this morning and magically avoided the heavy rain - woohoo! Kept a pretty darn good pace, too... was worried I'd gone out too fast since the trail trends sliiightly downhill on the "out" and sliiightly uphill on the "back" portion. Wasn't bad though - felt the gradual inclines but kept up the pace! The light drizzle felt great. 

Did: bodyweight workout + easy walk with D
Took an easy sunny Sunday with a workout outside (planks while your 5-year-old tickles your stomach are VERY DIFFICULT) then took a nice walk in the neighborhood. I also did some pull-ups at the playground when I took him that afternoon, and we walked around Lake Conestee Nature Park. 
Who knew a swamp could be pretty??

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Ville-to-Ville Week

Did: RF Day 22
I was pretty sore from the Spartan, so I took it easy today with just the RF workout.

Did: 6.99 mi Track Tuesday + RF Day 23
Hit the track early for a little speedwork. Not the fastest but it felt good to get back to it!
2x800 (3:22, 3:28)
2x600 (2:34, 2:35)
2x400 (1:37, 1:31)

Got in the RF workout when I got home. Woot!

Did: RF Day 24 + weights
Got the RF workout done then a bit of weights to round it out. 

Did: 5.66 mi @ 7:47/mi avg + RF Day 25
Opted out of Altamont for the morning in order to save the legs for the upcoming Ville-to-Ville Relay on Saturday, so kept it flat and fast on the SRT! Didn't *actually* mean to run that fast but... hey, the legs want to do what the legs want to do, and I felt good so I didn't argue!

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica + RF Day 26
Little stretchy session + RF workout for the day. Good stuff. Race ready for tomorrow!

Did: 5.92 mi + 6.23 mi for Ville-to-Ville Relay

Did: 3.4 mi hike
Took Super D to meet Robin & the pups for a hike at Yellow Branch Falls outside of Walhalla - really beautiful day for it! And WOW what a hidden gem - oh man, this was a gorgeous surprise. I hope to go back sometime. It was a short enough distance but had a good bit of climbing with it - perfect.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Race Report: Ville-to-Ville Relay

For the 3rd year in a row, I ran on Team Quest for the Ville-to-Ville Relay, the 75-ish mile craft beer themed team relay from Asheville, NC to Greenville, SC.

This year our start time was 7:00AM, so we didn't have to leave Greenville quite as early as past years (when we had a 5:30AM start). Plus, no head lamps or lighted vests required! Bonus! :)

Team Quest at the start!

We got a team photo and hung out long enough to see Scott off on his first leg, then hopped in the van to get to the next transition zone. The mass starts were thinned out due to COVID... slightly less excitement but still so fun to be at an in-person race again. :)

Starting off at sunrise!  

This year, I had legs #2 and #8 - both of which I've done in previous years. Leg #2 is The Hillman, with the biggest hill (931 ft of elevation total) of the entire 75-mile route. I've been running Altamont once a week for the past few months in preparation, which is more specific training than I've done in past years, so I felt confident that I would beat my previous times on the climb. 

The Hillman climb
Climb times from history:
2018 = 21:21
2019 = 22:09
2021 = 21:10

It was still a really hard climb... I did not feel as strong as I thought I would after the training I'd done, but I also was holding back a bit knowing I had another run to do later in the day. I finished the leg feeling pretty good and we continued on our way from transition zone to transition zone.

We reached the first brewery transition around 9:30am and this is where the race starts to feel a little more like a party. 🥳

Kinda looks like a street festival 

Awesome breakfast burrito and a coffee blonde stout just set the right tone for the rest of the day. 

A few more legs, a few more transitions, then whatdya know it's time for me to run again! 

Scott coming in to the transition at the state line

Ready to go!

Next leg was a bit of a different flavor... similar distance, but this time aalllllll downhill. I'm talking 0ft elevation gain. 
Down the Watershed

This was a tough one. I did it in 2018 the first year, but hadn't since then. WHAT A QUAD-BUSTER. omg. You start off at the NC/SC state line and start cruising downhill and you think "oh this is nice!" and there's trees and it's pretty, there's a creek beside you, just gorgeous. And then 30 mins later you're STILL RUNNING DOWNHILL, and your quads start saying "heyyyyy this is hard!" 

But the hard effort paid off!! 10k PR!

I knew I would be close to 45 minutes by the time I saw the "1 Mile to Go" sign and checked my watch, but I couldn't let up on the gas at all as I came into the transition zone. Not sure I could have pushed that any faster but man it felt good to move that quickly!

After that, the fun of the day began (continued?) - recovery beer and more food at the next stop (the next runner had 9 miles to do, so thankfully there was plenty of time to hang out and enjoy the sunshine). Then transition at Swamp Rabbit Brewery in TR and we were getting close to the finish!

We got to the finish line and that's where the real post-race festival feel set in - SO great, the sun came out, tons of friends from the running community all around. Just a great time! 

Finish Line!!

And yes, we're already signed up for next year. :)


Sunday, April 11, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 11/11

Did: RF Day 15
I don't remember what this workout was. But it's all I did that day. 🤷

Did: 6.3 mi Track Tuesday + RF Day 16
Finally back at the track for an early workout! Only got 4x800 due to some, erm, bathroom stops. But not bad for the first time in a month!
Crescent Moon over Paris Mtn

Got the RF workout done when I got home... again, I don't recall what it was.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna + RF Day 17 + Sunset at Sassafras Mtn (4.
Ok so maybe I overdid it today. 😳 But man it was such a great day! I got in an on-demand sculpt class plus the RF workout for the day. 
Weighted fire hydrants. Oof.

Had an evening to myself and was feeling like an adventure, so I decided to run to the peak of Sassafras Mountain (highest peak in South Carolina) to watch the sunset. Fun, right?? The route was a little over 2 miles via trail to get to the top and about 1400ft to climb. I gave myself an hour to get to the top which was more than enough - only problem is that then I had to wait for sunset and I got a little chilly! 
FHT A3 - Chimneytop Gap

Evening sun through the trees

Trail was so nice!

Peaks in the distance

Vines and stairs

Nice views along the way up

So happy to be in the woods!

Trail along the ridge

Final approach to the top

Arrived at the top!

I explored and took photos for a bit, looked around at the top of the observation tower, then took my place on a bit of bald rock with a great view.

I had about 30 minutes to enjoy the gradual descent of the sun into the horizon over the ridge in the distance. I took way too many pictures, but ended up with this really pretty progression. 


After the sky turned into the soft pinkish-orange, I started my journey back to the car as the trails disappeared into darkness around me. Not gonna lie, got a little anxious in the dark by myself, but I had my trusty pepper spray in hand and a headlamp on my head. I made quick work of the return trip (just under 30 minutes!) and was on my way home before 9pm.

Last light over the ridge

I'm so glad I decided to run this and hope to do it again soon!

Did: RF Day 18
Well, the feeling of excitement and strength from Wednesday quickly dissolved as I came down with a stomach bug overnight. 🤮 By the evening I mustered enough strength to half-ass my way through the daily workout (it was thankfully one of the easier ones anyway) and slept for 9.5 hours after napping on the couch all day. 

Did: RF Day 19 + 60 min Flow & Deep Stretch w/ Jasmine
Feeling more normal and stronger today, I got in the RF workout and a nice yoga session. 

Did: 6.2 mi @ 7:57/mi + RF Day 19
An early run in a new place! Headed to the doodle trail and did a quick out-and-back as the sun rose. Apparently I'm back to full strength based on the pace of that run... ! 😮
Got the workout done later in the morning - this was the 100 clapping pushups workout but decided to do no-clap real pushups. That was tough!

Did: Charlotte Spartan Sprint!

Event Report here 

Definitely a lot of highs and lows for this week!

Race Report: Spartan Sprint Charlotte

Team BRB Hold My Beer participated in the Spartan Sprint 5k obstacle race on Sunday, April 11th. 

We'd gotten the full race map & list of obstacles on Thursday of the week before and... I spent most of Friday evening Google searching definitions, stats, and YouTube videos of how to do each one. I'm glad I did because several of the tips came in handy during the race!

We all drove up Saturday afternoon and departed from the hotel for our 9:45am start time around 8AM. The race was held at Porter Farms in Concord, NC, a privately held active farm with cows, chickens, and other sorts of livestock. It made for a really amazing race venue - the obstacles were kind of grouped in areas of each field with running through trees & streams in between. 

The team consisted of John, Brad, and myself. I'm still a little confused at the "team" concept since everybody still has to do all of the obstacles themselves and there's really very little you can do to help one another on most of them... but anyway...

We got there, got checked in, checked our bags, and made our way to the start corrals just before our time was called. 

Um. 😳

Ready to gooooo!

Due to COVID, they thinned out the start waves to have about 50 people start every 15 mins... it worked out well though so that the obstacles didn't get super crowded, even at the beginning.

A few announcements and we were off!

(One fun thing in the online results is they give a % completion of each obstacle from the entire field of participants... I'll go through each one below with the % and or for my own performance.)

About 100 yards from the start line was the first obstacle, the 4' Over Walls (98%) ✅ which is just like it sounds - a 4' wall you have to get over. I was nervous about it but had watched a video that gave some technique (run AT the wall and basically act like you're going to run up it). This turned out to be good advice and I got over with my first attempt!

After that we ran for the longest consistent stretch, about half a mile or so through the woods. It was a nice trail through the trees and we took a nice easy pace until we popped out to the next obstacle.

Hay Wall (99%) ✅ was large bales of hay to climb over (not too hard) quickly followed by the 6' Wall (97%) ✅ which I attacked just like the 4' and got over without issue! Last in this section of obstacles was the Inverted Wall (97%) ✅ which was more challenging but I surprised myself by getting over it with little issue. Again, the technique video I'd watched said to keep your body close to the wall (arms in) to help climbing up, and use legs to push and reach to the next railing.

Inverted Wall example

We passed this one and had another bit of running through the woods. By this point we'd decided to walk most of the traveling portions between obstacles as a team.

Hurdles (98%) ✅ 
This one looked similar to the walls but was a little harder since it was just a bar to get over, not a full wall, and therefore had no footholds to utilize or propel against. 

One blurry photo captured of me hurdling 😁

Atlas Carry (99%) ✅ 
I'd gotten most nervous about some of the strength-based heavyweight obstacles because, well, I'm not. 😂 This was the first of such obstacles - picking up from the ground and carrying a 50-75lb round stone 100m, then bringing it back and putting it down. As I approached the stone, I overheard another pair of ladies say something about, "This is where the marathoners and weight lifters get separated." I took note of that but held my tongue. 😏

Once again, I had watched some technique videos that really helped succeed on this!

The stone looked like this.

Rope Climb (64%) 
This one I was verrrrry unsure I could do, and I am most proud that I completed! I was the only one on my team to reach the top of the 17' high rope. I was SOOO excited to get this one done, and happily stood by and cheered my teammates as they completed their 30-burpee penalty for a missed obstacle (oh yeah). 

No knots. Just tall ropes. Pretty intimidating. 

Plate Drag (99%) 
So as we ran up to this, I grabbed the first rope I saw and put alllll my weight (and it took allll my weight) into pulling this plate with heavy sandbags in it towards me.

Plate Drag.

After you get the plate to you, you have to grab the chain on the other side and drag it back. Talk about working the hamstrings, yikes! But I finished it and as the team met to get to the next obstacle, John says to me, "Hey what do you think those red plates are for?" pointing to the other end of the line of plate drag stations.

Here's the thing: the heavy weight obstacles all have a men's and women's weights, women's are red. I... had not done the red plate. So it was a 90-lb plate instead of 45-lb. 

"You were already into it, we didn't want to stop you..." 


I give myself bonus points for that.

Multi-Rig (77%) 
Another one I was not sure I could complete given it requires a lot of upper body strength and we were already pretty far into the race and I was getting tired. But I sized up the rings and went for it... thankfully my hands weren't too slippery and I got all the way across! Definitely challenging though, swinging from one to the next, and hard to reach with my rather short arms. 

7' Wall (97%) 
I was reeeeeally unsure about getting over this one... but thankfully there was a tiiiny little 2x4 nailed about 18" from the ground on each side which could be used as a minimal foothold. It was enough to once again run right at the wall, run up it, and at least hook your armpits over the top. Once I was there, the rest was about swinging one leg up and over. Done!

Hercules Hoist (97%) 
This time I *did* find the red obstacle and it's a good thing I did... lifting a sandbag on a pulley up by a rope to the top then letting it back down slowly. I had to put ALL my body weight into getting the bag up and back down. It looks a lot easier than it felt... especially with your hands getting raw from ropes and rungs and such .

Barbed Wire Crawl (100%) 
This one was totally doable, it just took patience. You get impatient, you get a scratched back. It was enough clearance to allow for a speedy enough traverse for me, and I definitely felt sympathy for the larger guys crawling under the ~2' clearance (I'm guessing on height there).

Bucket Carry (100%) 
Home Depot bucket full of rocks, pick it up and walk about a 1/4 mile loop through thick mud and uneven terrain. The mud was the hardest part, trying to balance the bucket of rocks while keeping your footing.

Spear Throw (57%) 
This one just frustrated me. You get ONE chance and have to get the spear to stick in the mannequin. Ugh, not even strength or endurance related, just skill... and I definitely didn't have it, not by a long shot. 😆 30 burpees for all of us this time!

Z-Wall (74%) 
I was verrrry close to not making this one... it's tricky, requires stamina, upper body strength, and agility... my forearms were on FIRE by the end of this from hanging on by my fingertips. But I MADE IT! Getting around that corner was definitely the hardest part.

Z-Wall Example

Slip Wall (97%) 
This one wasn't as hard as I thought it might be... it's kind of intimidating because it is pretty tall, and we'd just walked through a biiiig field of mud (yay, slippery shoes) and it's like trying to walk up a metal slide on a playground. There's a rope but the walking surface is slick. Thankfully my trail shoes did the trick and I made it up without falling on my face!

Vertical Cargo (99%)
Again, another very doable one but it's tall - and when you're already tired, you feel shaky! But totally cleared it without issue. 

Monkey Bars (81%)
Another I was worried about here - late in the race and more upper body strength needed, and you only get one chance! But I did it! I was worried my palms would be too raw by this point but knowing it was the last hard obstacle gave me the strength to get through.

A-Frame Cargo (99%)
Final obstacle to climb over before the fire - nothing to it!
Actual photo from our event - monkey bars on the right, A-Frame cargo right after it on the left.

Fire Jump (100%)

Love these pics - the team finished together!!

I have to say, this was wayyyy more fun than I'd anticipated... I'm sure the next one will be harder (it's 2x the distance) but I'm so excited for it. 

Official Results:
Not fast, but finished!