Monday, February 22, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 4/11

Ok now it's Wednesday and I just caught up on 2 weeks of forgotten blogs. 🙈 I think this is a result of not having that single block of time during a day where I complete my workout. It's done sporadically through the day so I don't feel like I'm "done yet" oh and also, who has the time for that!?  Annnnnyway, trying to get back on track...

Did: 4 days make-up of Ryan Fischer workouts.
This was a lot. But I'm determined to do this whole program! 
Tough but not bad.

Didn't have a teammate, so did 20 rounds by myself.

Air Squats get surprisingly hard after a lot of reps.

Did these on my knees because omg. 
8:27 time

Four. I did four workouts.
Also, Valentine's leggings. 

Did: Track Tuesday + RF Day 22
Got in just under 7 miles total with the track Tuesday crew in the early morning. The track was suuuuper puddle-y so it made speed a little difficult (bobbing and weaving around the puddles in the dark). Did 800s with kind of lackluster effort, but eh, that's what you get some days. 
Completed Day 22 at home right before lunch. This one wasn't too bad but arms were definitely noodle-y. (wow, two made-up words in one post? awesome.)
2x [50 elevated-heel air squats, 50 door towel pull-ups, 50 knees to chest, 50 glute bridges, 50 wide-arm pushups (yep those were on the knees), 50 tricep dips (THESE HURT WOW)]

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie + 3.6 mi run
Knowing tomorrow would be a washout weather-wise, I decided to add in a run with hill sprints after Sculpt today. Tough but nice out in the cool breezy sunshine!

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha + RF Day 23 & 24
Cold rainy outdoors but hot & heart-pumping indoors!
Got a power flow class with Marsha done followed by 2 days of Ryan Fischer workouts. Thought about doing 3 but was totally dead after 2. Just 3 more days to finish the program, then I'm starting it over!


Did: RF Day 25 & 26
Got in 2 more days of the Ryan Fischer plan. Not too bad today!
12:47 to complete the rounds that took 15 mins the first time. Whee!

Chair Dips are hard.

Did: 9.2 mi trail run + 15 mi bike ride
What a day! Started off the morning in the woods with a group of friends old and new. We headed out from Asbury Hills conference center to Raven Cliff Falls via the Naturaland Trust trail, then crossed the suspension bridge over the top of the falls and returned down Dismal trail. I'd hiked this trail with Robin over the summer but it was a new experience trying to "run" it... using that term lightly because there were significant portions during which there was absolutely no running. Regardless, we had an amazing few hours on the trails, spectacular views of the falls, and a gloriously chilly and sunny winter morning. The end got a little stressful when we returned to the cars and found one runner was missing (he'd turned back about 2.5 miles in and should have been at the car long before we got back). Another couple of hours to find him, but all turned out ok! Lessons learned: always have a plan to regroup and make sure that plan does not depend on having a phone signal. 
Icicles covering this rock wall

Beautiful view of the falls! 😍

When I got back to town, I had to catch the group that was biking with Super D on the Swamp Rabbit Trail - he'd decided he wanted to do a group ride from TR down to the Swamp Rabbit Grocery and back, and they'd left right at noon. I knew I'd be late due to the lost runner, so I rode down to catch them and got to the Grocery right as they were finishing up. Averaged 13 mph on the way down, and 8mph on the way back with the group. A fun day but man, exhausting!

Car full of biking and hiking and running gear.

Did: 2.5 mi hike, RF day 27
Met up with another family for a short hike in the morning (after the temps were comfortably above freezing) and it became clear early into the hike that we would not make it to the top of the mountain that we'd planned... but it was fine, because the kiddos enjoyed things like throwing rocks in creeks, racing each other from one tree to the next, whacking trees with sticks, and fighting "zombies" along the trail. 
Asleep in the car, with sandwich crusts still in hand.

Got back and completed the 27th and final day of the Ryan Fischer program. Excited for round 2 to start tomorrow and see what I can improve vs. just 4 weeks ago!

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