Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 2/11

I really just need to go to a playground multiple times per week and dead hang.

Planned: RF Day 8
Did: 1.16 mi @ 9:03/mi avg + RF Day 8
This was intended to be an easy day, and was just that. I felt like running a little bit, so did a mile loop through the neighborhood before completing the RF workout for the day. 

Planned: Track Tuesday + RF Day 9
Did: 6.97 mi @ 8:17/mi avg + RF Day 9
Back at the track for an early Tuesday with the crew. Did 6x600 + 3x200 because I felt like doing something fast today. 
600s: 2:33, 2:46, 2:36, 2:38, 2:37, 2:39 
200s: 0:43, 0:42, 0:46 
Also I'm absolutely sure my watch did not accurately measure my heartrate because it said I topped out around 153 and I definitely felt puke-y at the end of a few intervals, which typically means I'm hitting 190-ish. I think it was too cold for my watch to detect HR accurately? idk but it says I burned 250 calories running 7 miles and that just ain't right. 😝

Got home and did the RF workout for the day which was a cumulative 10-minute plank hold, but every time you had to take a break, do 10 pistol squats + 15 pushups. That was tough! I think I ended up taking 5 or 6 breaks total. Max. single hold was 2 minutes long. 

Planned: RF Day 10 + ?
Did: RF Day 10 

Says "should take 15 minutes"

That was tough. Time was 15:04

Planned: Altamont + yoga
Did: 5.75 mi Altamont run + 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha
Third week in a row doing the Thursday morning Altamont run in the dark. I'm really liking this new routine! 22:08 for the climb today, which Strava says is a PR and for once I agree with it! I manually hit the lap button on my watch each time I do the climb, which tracks quite differently than whatever Strava thinks I'm doing. Past 2 weeks' efforts were 22:53 and 22:26. I was surprised because I felt like I was struggling really hard to keep going, but turns out that's just how it feels to go faster. 😜
Mid-morning yoga with Marsha was excellent today. 
Opted to skip Ryan Fischer workout today (3 workouts just seemed like too much). 

Planned: Sculpt
Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie + RF Day 11
Got both workouts done today - man, doubling up is tough but feels so strong to get them done, too!
Bicycle crunches... plus I love this outfit. 😍

Planned: run?
Did: 6.2 mi trail run
Got a last-minute invitation to join a few peeps on the trails for a run at dawn, which sounded exactly like what I needed! Met before sunrise and, after a few false-starts (the gate was locked to the trails we wanted to run, so had to regroup and find a new location) headed out on some trails off of Persimmon Ridge. I'd never been there before, and they aren't inside any park system but are close to the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area / Caesar's Head / Jones Gap area. Really pretty and sooooo nice to be there at sunrise! 

It was challenging too because of the ~1,400 ft of climbing we did... didn't realize it at the time but man that was tough!
Planned: strength training
Did: RF day 12, 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Candler, RF Day 13
Oh yeah, this was tough. Had to make up for a few skipped Ryan Fischer days and decided to sandwich a Sculpt class in between. Felt like a wet noodle after all this but whew, good to get that done!

Side note, I'm finishing this blog on 2/17 (like 2 weeks after the fact... oops). Life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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