Monday, January 11, 2021

Starting off right

Heeeeere we go, first full week of the new year. My only overarching goal (so far) this year: do something every day. I want Strava to tell me I had 365 active days during 2021. Big or small, just do something (and usually that's more than half the battle anyway).

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
This wasn't as intense of a sculpt class as I'm used to (burned ~175 cals vs. typical 280-320) but maybe that's my fault and not the class. They were having some technical difficulties so it was hard to hear the instructor, and I found myself stopping what I was doing to listen for the next cue. Oh well, got it done.

Did: 6.5 mi Track Tuesday + 60 min Power Flow w/ Wednesday
Just Chris and I this morning for the early track workout. Temps were perfect (and therefore I over-dressed = typical) but my legs just wouldn't move quickly. Overall my paces were ok but I didn't feel like I was turning over my steps as quickly as I should have been. I guess it has been a couple of weeks since I was at the track, so I've gotta get back into that groove. 

Did a countdown starting from 800 all the way to 100 (with 100-200 recovery in between each). Paces for the 8,7,6 were all pretty close based on the Strava graph, but then finally at 500 started to increase pace noticeably. 
Nice visual of the splits

Did a nice mid-morning session of yoga with Wednesday. Solid class and felt like a good supplement to track day.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
Another good sculpt class!

Did: 5.19 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
Great run through Green Valley! It was super frosty this morning but I went out for a hilly run and managed to keep a really solid pace. Felt great and strong!

Did: 60 min power flow w/ Jessica
Great flow class in front of the fireplace today, felt strong and did some crow work.

Did: 8.54 mi @ 8:30/mi avg + 3.03 mi @ 9:05/mi avg w/ stroller
Two runs today! First was from the house to the Kroc center downtown where the virtual-ish Greenville News 5k was being held. Couple miles getting out of the neighborhood and over to the trail were a good warmup, then I ended up flying down the trail!

All was great until some GI distress hit me towards the end. Thankful for port-a-johns. 🙏
Then I met with Scott & D and we ran the virtual race together while I pushed D in the stroller. It was nice to run together and we finished in a decent time. Not to mention the near-perfect running weather!

Did: 4.3 mi hiking
Another Sunday hike with the hiking crew :)  We headed to a little-known trail called Oil Camp Creek and enjoyed the pretty but cold hike along the creek with lots of little cascades, some bigger waterfalls, and even a tiny bit of snow still on the ground.

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