Monday, January 25, 2021

All the things.

Ended last week's blog on Monday so this one will start off on Tuesday... 

Did: 7.24 mi @ 8:12/mi avg
Track Tuesday returns with probably one of the longest total mileages I've done in a while - hooray! That's one gauge I use to determine whether I'm overall getting faster or not = how much mileage I can squeeze into our normal track hour. 
I did 3x1 mile repeats and felt pretty darn good about them!
7:10, 7:10, 7:07

Did: 2.11 mi @ 8:18/mi avg + 60 min Power Flow
Just had to take a couple of miles through the neighborhood before a crazy day of meetings (and it's a good thing I did - things got crazier) plus had an hour of yoga during lunchtime. Gotta manage the stress somehow.

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont run
Yep, after yesterday I needed to climb that mountain. Met with Matt and a few others to do the grueling ~900ft climb up and back down, and it was just the right way to start the day. Plus it's so peaceful in the morning!

Did: 60 min power flow w/ Jessica
Good Friday session - very necessary to at least take an hour and NOT answer emails. 

Did: 9.03 mi mountain biking
Got to go mountain biking with a fun group! A rare treat and beautiful morning in the woods. 

Did: 60 min playground fitness
In starting to prepare for the Spartan race(s) I signed up for (first one is a Sprint in April), I decided to combine a workout at the playground (monkey bars, cargo net, etc) with some running and other strength (burpees, pushups, etc). It was pretty tough, and I can tell one of the hardest things is going to be conditioning my hands/palms to grip bars for extensive periods of time. 

Missing a long run this week, but felt good about the miles I got in. There's never enough time to do ALL THE THINGS that I want to do.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The one with a camping trip

First off, I started a public Instagram account to focus on my running/hiking/biking/fitness posts. I always hesitate posting on my private page bc I don't want it to be overtaken by fitness stuff, plus I want a place where I can post things and tag other companies or brands and they'll actually see it! I like sharing what I do, and I want the brands I enjoy to know it. :) 
Follow me if you're interested (all 3 of you that read this) @run_trek_savasana

Did: 45 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
I had limited time and it didn't work out well with the available live class schedule today, so I did most of a recorded sculpt class. It was a good one! Wish I'd had time for more but wanted to be done with it early so it is what it is, and it wasn't nothing. So there.

Did: 7.11 mi @ 8:23/mi

Early mornings at the track = best way to start the day, even when I reeeeeally don't love the 4:30am alarm and going out when I'm cold. But knowing my track buddies are waiting for me gets me out the door. Felt good with 5x1k at decent splits close to 7:00/mi each time. And the feeling of getting 7+ miles before sunrise = yessssss!

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Got in a solid lunchtime sculpt class, lots of shoulders - those are gonna feel it tomorrow!
All. The. Things.

Did: 4.26 mi @ 8:09/mi avg
Got frustrated with stuff at work, so headed out the door for a mid-morning run. Didn't make work any better but at least I got a few miles knocked out at a pretty good pace!! The sunshine was nice too. 

Did: 30 mins core/plyo mix
Was running short on time but wanted to get in something. Did a mix of core, weights, plyo for 30 mins and felt pretty good about that.

Then it was heading down to Poinsett State Park for the weekend for camping and a run/hike/bike-filled time in the woods!

Did: 3 mi mountain bike ride + untracked hiking ~2ish miles
First full day of camping included a group bike ride with D as the ride leader - we got in 3 miles within an hour and he kept saying he was having so much fun! 😍
Game face.

We did a short nature walk/hike later in the day, but it was casual and not Strava/Garmin-worthy. Still a nice afternoon in the woods. 

Did: 5.6 mi trail run, 3.3 mi hike, 4.6 mi mountain bike ride
YESSSSS all the things! Got to do all of my favorite activities in the woods today. Started out with a solo trail run, then a group hike where D and I split off on our own midway through, and then ended with a little solo bike ride just before sunset. What a great day!
Solo morning run

Spanish Moss!

Trail buddy

Signs, signs, everywhere signs

Contemplating the creek

Steed in the moss

More excellent signage

Did: 2.5 mi hike w/ group 
I'm including Monday in this week's report since it was part of the holiday weekend camping trip. We packed up camp and took a short hike before departing. It was a lovely morning and a perfect way to wrap up the weekend!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Starting off right

Heeeeere we go, first full week of the new year. My only overarching goal (so far) this year: do something every day. I want Strava to tell me I had 365 active days during 2021. Big or small, just do something (and usually that's more than half the battle anyway).

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
This wasn't as intense of a sculpt class as I'm used to (burned ~175 cals vs. typical 280-320) but maybe that's my fault and not the class. They were having some technical difficulties so it was hard to hear the instructor, and I found myself stopping what I was doing to listen for the next cue. Oh well, got it done.

Did: 6.5 mi Track Tuesday + 60 min Power Flow w/ Wednesday
Just Chris and I this morning for the early track workout. Temps were perfect (and therefore I over-dressed = typical) but my legs just wouldn't move quickly. Overall my paces were ok but I didn't feel like I was turning over my steps as quickly as I should have been. I guess it has been a couple of weeks since I was at the track, so I've gotta get back into that groove. 

Did a countdown starting from 800 all the way to 100 (with 100-200 recovery in between each). Paces for the 8,7,6 were all pretty close based on the Strava graph, but then finally at 500 started to increase pace noticeably. 
Nice visual of the splits

Did a nice mid-morning session of yoga with Wednesday. Solid class and felt like a good supplement to track day.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
Another good sculpt class!

Did: 5.19 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
Great run through Green Valley! It was super frosty this morning but I went out for a hilly run and managed to keep a really solid pace. Felt great and strong!

Did: 60 min power flow w/ Jessica
Great flow class in front of the fireplace today, felt strong and did some crow work.

Did: 8.54 mi @ 8:30/mi avg + 3.03 mi @ 9:05/mi avg w/ stroller
Two runs today! First was from the house to the Kroc center downtown where the virtual-ish Greenville News 5k was being held. Couple miles getting out of the neighborhood and over to the trail were a good warmup, then I ended up flying down the trail!

All was great until some GI distress hit me towards the end. Thankful for port-a-johns. 🙏
Then I met with Scott & D and we ran the virtual race together while I pushed D in the stroller. It was nice to run together and we finished in a decent time. Not to mention the near-perfect running weather!

Did: 4.3 mi hiking
Another Sunday hike with the hiking crew :)  We headed to a little-known trail called Oil Camp Creek and enjoyed the pretty but cold hike along the creek with lots of little cascades, some bigger waterfalls, and even a tiny bit of snow still on the ground.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Start of the year

Friday 1/1
Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica + 1.1 mi @ 8:19/mi avg
Started the year off with yoga and a short 1.1 mile (for Jan. 1) run in the rain (because it rained all day). Lower back is starting to loosen up but still stiff when I run. Hopefully getting back to regular activity in the next week will sort things out. 

Saturday 1/2
Did: 3.14 mi @ 8:44/mi
Short run in the neighborhood, still working out the glute/back pains (I'm not even sure what it is). 

Did: 6.1 mi hike w/ D, Robin, Dale & pups
Explored a new park today with the hiking crew - Oconee State Park! We started off with an out-and-back to Tamassee Knob which had beautiful views and a really nice hike along the ridgeline. 

Next we attempted to hike a 1.3 mile loop to see an old waterwheel but never found it and ran out of time, so it was just an extra 2 miles of wandering. But still nice time in the woods and a perfect day for it!