Thursday, December 31, 2020

The rest of 2020, and year in review

Finishing out the year 2020 with daily reports below:

Saturday 12/26
Did: 8.04 mi @ 9:06/mi avg
Ran on Lake Road for a nice easy 8 miles solo.

Sunday 12/27
Did: 2.5 mile hike w/ D at Cane Creek Park + 1.6 mi run @ 8:39/mi avg
Spent the morning walking through the woods w/ D at a park near Waxhaw, NC. When we drove back to the Lake House, I exited the car after we turned off the main road and ran home to get in the mile for the streak. 
Dude looked pretty awesome in his new hiking boots & Camelbak 

Monday 12/28
Did: 4.35 mi @ 8:53/mi avg
Left the lake and headed to Charleston for a mini-vacation, so I ran from our hotel to Patriot's Point across the Ravenel Bridge. I've never run "The Bridge" before, so it was a new experience and pretty cool!

Tuesday 12/29
Did: 6.21 mi @ 10:31/mi avg
A nice tour of the historic Charleston peninsula for #10kTuesday, slow pace due to both navigational pauses as well as a literal pain in my butt that did not go away through the entire run. :/ Obviously missing my regular yoga and strength training. 

Wednesday 12/30
Did: 1.03 mi run/walk w/ D
I'm barely counting this as a "run" but it was as much as I could do with the 5 year old in tow (running on his own). He doesn't have much in the way of endurance so it was a run/walk style around the neighborhood. Low back/glutes still hurt. :/ 

Thursday 12/31
Did: Soul Sculpt + 1.08 mi @ 9:08
Did a sculpt class thinking some strength training would be good for the whatever-is-hurting issue I'm still having. It did seem to feel better throughout class, though some moves caused some pain (high knees in particular, and jumping jacks). Went out for the final mile of 2020 and felt okayish but not good enough to try to attempt a crazy thing some runner friends are doing later today (running 20 miles at midnight). 

Running: 1086 miles over 210 activities
Biking: 397 miles over 46 activities
Hiking: 67 miles over 15 activities (record number of hikes this year!)
120 yoga sessions (definitely a record by far)
46 strength sessions (highest since 2015)

Far more activities this year vs. any previous year

Not my highest number of miles but I guess I've spent more time this year diversifying by doing other things (hiking, yoga, strength) which is positive. 

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