Sunday, December 13, 2020

Midway December

#rwrunstreak day 12
Did: 1.41 mi @ 9:18/mi
Another quick run through the 'hood in the early morning before going into the office.

#rwrunstreak day 13
Did: 6.98 mi @ 8:21/mi avg Track Tuesday
This was supposed to be track workout before going into the office, but yesterday evening we got an "increased COVID measures" email and now I'm not allowed to go to the office because my project isn't considered an emergency (I'd like to see them consider how critical it is if it doesn't get done ::grumblegrumble::). Anyway, still met the track crew for some early frozen loops. 
6x600 (2:34, 2:34, 2:31, 2:36, 2:34, 2:36) - not bad consistency there
2x200 (0:44, 0:44) 
Not exactly the fastest paces, but feeling good on the consistency at least. 

#rwrunstreak day 14
Did: 5.28 mi @ 8:35/mi avg + 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Rode in the car to drop D off at school and hopped out to run home for my run today. It was COLD but there was a beautiful sunrise.

Threw in a little tempo in the middle (1.26 mi @ 7:22/mi avg) to make things interesting, and it's a good thing I did because I ran in the door just in time for my 8am team meeting.

Did sculpt class at lunch which was great and tough as usual!

#rwrunstreak day 15
Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Alysia + 2.24 mi @ 9:01/mi
Two days in a row of sculpt is tough! Good enough variety vs. yesterday that it wasn't too bad though. Followed with a couple miles run in the nice warm sunshine. What a big difference from yesterday!

#rwrunstreak day 16
Did: 2.24 mi @ 8:50/mi + 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
A quick little loop through the neighborhood followed by some Friday yoga. 

#rwrunstreak day 17
Did: 8.57 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
Got out early to run downtown, just me and Matt for a nice speedy loop through downtown. Took to the hills of North Main neighborhood, a little cut-thru of the Bob Jones campus, and back through Overbrook. I felt like I was dragging, but I guess it was just the speed getting to me! 
Post-run reward

#rwrunstreak day 18
Did: 3.31 mi @ 13:26/mi avg
Ran while chasing D on his bike on the Swamp Rabbit, not fast but fun to get out with him and tally up 30 miles for the week! 

Tomorrow starts the 12 Days of Yeti!!

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