Monday, July 6, 2020

Week 15...errrm and Week 16

I'm tired of this. This situation, not being able to run as much as I want to, being stuck in the house with no time to myself and feeling like if I want to do exercise I have to ignore my family to get it done. Not in a happy place right now.

Ok. Ok ok ok.



I started this post on 6/22 and hadn't written anything since then. Clearly have some stress going on, and not being able to exercise (i.e. run) as much as I would like was getting to me. At least it FEELS like I'm not working out much... but really...
I'm definitely still working out.

And yes, that's even an 8 mile run on Friday! I only walked once! PT is working, or at least all the not-running I've been doing is working... either way, things don't hurt as much. That's a positive. 

Other photos of exercise-y things from the past 2 weeks:


Run/walk/trail adventure with my #RunSquad buddy:

Pretty sunrise for my "long" 7-miler last Saturday before leaving for vacation:

And even a vacation bike ride with Scott - we rode to a lighthouse on the Outer Banks:

So yeah, things aren't what they have been but I can still ride, I can still run, I can still do yoga, I can still get outside. It's not everything, but it's something. 


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