Monday, March 23, 2020

5k PR Training (Week 1 of 8)

Well, I'm starting this training plan with all expectations that things will go awry given the current state of the world. Here we go...

Planned: 3mi easy w/ 8x30s hills
Did: 3.42 mi w/ 8x 30s hills
Did this run on the trails today and did repeats on "the Mile 1 hill" on the Earth Run course. Ended up with faster than 30s repeats for everything after the first one, but all 0:25-0:30. Not bad! It was chilly and misty out, and kind of ominous.
Grey Skies

The Hill

Planned: 6x400/400 track workout
Did: 6.32 mi @ 9:52/mi avg while D biked
Didn't get out to the track this morning (working from home, plus it was raining, plusalso no group runs = social distancing) so I took D out on his bike in the afternoon. I asked him if he thought he could bike six miles, and he said yes, so we gave it a try. He made it 5.3 miles before he got tired and we switched to the stroller! His longest bike ride yet. So proud. :) Not saying this was the most efficient run but we got it done and enjoyed the sunshine.
Muddy butt and funny face
Planned: XT/strength
Did: P90x Kenpo X + Ab Ripper X
It was cloudy and blah outside, so we did an indoor workout today. My little dude joined me for some kickboxing action! He actually sat through a 45+ minute workout and participated a little with me. Really proud of him.

Planned: 30 min tempo or track
Did: 4.05 mi @ 9:33/mi
Didn't do the speedwork as planned. My local track (Furman) is closed so I think track workouts are going to have to be done in some alternate fashion. Probably time-based speedwork. Ugh, this is going to be hard. However, also got word that my goal 5k was rescheduled to July. So I guess I have more time to train, but that leaves me a bit aimless.

Planned: yoga or rest
Did: 60 min Power Flow online
The local yoga studio I'd been going to has started offering online live-stream classes. I hadn't tried it yet but they offered a free class tonight at 6pm. Not a great time for our family schedule but we shifted dinner time and got D watching a movie (Wall-E, his favorite) and took the opportunity to stretch it out. It was good! I might buy a month pass (they're offering $30/mo for unlimited online classes vs. $10/class drop-in rate). We'll see. 

Planned: 4 mi progression run
Did: 9.23 mi @ 9:56/mi
This run was for mental clarity. My left hammie/glute is still giving me issues, so I am going to try to "take it easy" for a while - minimal (if any) speedwork, walking up hills, stretching (gently). I took this run and wanted distance, but of course the hills of Green Valley offered many walking breaks. It was a beautiful warm spring day and I was very glad to get the distance I wanted.

In the afternoon we also took a family bike ride and did an easy ~6 miles together on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.

Planned: 60 min run
Did: Power Flow Yoga - 60 mins
Another class from SoulYoga - so good! I bought their $30 unlimited pass for the month and hope to do a few classes each week. It's not quite the same intensity as the hot studio but I do still love the classes. Plus, Scott & I do them together so it's a nice time for us. Anybody can stream the classes live - check out, there's usually 4 or 5 classes every day (one Sculpt class, the others various types of yoga). Highly recommend!

Week ending thoughts:
Yeah, it's safe to say this training plan is already out the window. With my goal race cancelled, no access to a track or treadmill (oh yeah, my work gym is closed now, too), it's hard to say what the coming weeks (months?) will hold. Just gonna stay active. Instead of '5k PR Training' series, this is now 'Coronavirus' series.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week before starting 5k training

I can't come up with any better title than that... lol

Planned: run
Did: 4.93 mi @ 9:01/mi
It's sooOOOOooOOOooOoOoooooo nice outside!! 🌞
That's basically all I have to say about today's run. I want to go back outside. Because this is predicted for the next week:
Ugggghhhhhhhhhh 😖

Planned: #10kTuesday (track or tready)
Did: 6.51 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
The rain held off and it was a beautiful morning for track... unfortunately I think I've finally admitted to myself that there's something wrong with my left hammie. I planned to do 800s but after the first 400m at about a 8-min pace, I decided to not do any speedwork and just run laps. Got my 10k but now I think I'm going to rest for the remainder of the week.

Planned: lift
Did: 14.4 mi bike ride
Had a nice road ride at lunch today with Scott & Donnie. It's been ages since I've been out on the bike at lunch! I wasn't feeling great (sore throat and some congestion) but I was glad to have done the ride.

Planned: run (probably treadmill)
Did: rest
Ugh, yep... allergies have hit me.

Planned: ?
Did: rest
And today I have no voice! Ugh.

Planned: ?
Did: 4.4 mile walk
I took D out for a ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail on his bike, and he ended up riding almost 4.5 miles while I walked behind him. I'm still not feeling great, my voice is slowly returning (I sound like a man with a husky deep voice), but it was nice to get outside for a while.

I took some time this afternoon to plan out the next 8 weeks of my 5k PR attempt (assuming we actually have races in the next 2 months...) 😶

Planned: ?
Did: rest again
Could have gone out for a run but still mostly voiceless and wanting to kick this crud. I have my yoga workshop this afternoon so that will be sufficient for the day.

5k PR Training Plan - 8 weeks

Finally getting some free time to think through my plans for the next 8 weeks... although being sick most of the past week and having the world going haywire with Coronavirus makes me wonder what is going to happen in the next couple of months??

Oh well, I can start with a plan at least...

First, an acknowledgement of where I'm starting and where I want to go:
Most recent 5k time vs. Goal of sub-21
(Source: McMillan Running)
Side note: I think their pace-per-distance calculator (from 100m to 100mi) is amazingly accurate.
Who knows if this goal is realistic, but it gives me something to shoot for. My current PR is 21:32, and I just ran a 21:37 at Thanksgiving (in the midst of Ultra training) so I know I'm close. The 22:14 at Greenville News probably  definitely wasn't a "PR effort" so it'll be interesting to see where I can get.

I've gotten input from several sources (running friends, websites, and random Google searching) to hodgepodge together the following plan.

Got hills, track workouts, tempo runs, and long runs. 4-5 days of running per week, with the option on the weekend to incorporate the shorter/faster workouts into a longer run so that I can bike the other day. I like this plan... now let's just hope the world doesn't implode.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pushing through.

Planned: run
Did: 4.51 mi @ 8:35/mi avg
Played the dangerous game again by saving my workout til the end of the day. Knowing it was the last non-rainy day of the week was good motivation, though. Got out on the trails at work and enjoyed the mild temperatures before the rain moves in.

Planned: run (track or treadmill)
Did: 6.2 mi treadmill 4x 1mi repeats
Mile repeats on the treadmill today for #10kTuesday. Splits for the repeats got progressively faster (intentional) - 7:24, 7:23, 7:15, 7:03. This actually felt GREAT to run fast, and I know if I'm going to work towards a 5k PR I'll need to get these to an even better place. Trying to not push too much given my hamstring issues - they're still nagging and of course the advice is "rest it". 😏 Did some stretching afterwards.

Planned: gym
Did: rest
Today was full of work emergencies.

Planned: rest
Did: 5.0 mi treadmill intervals @ 8:26/mi avg
3x 3x 400m on the treadmill at the end of the workday. Man I was exhausted from the day (morning seminar and an afternoon full of meetings and emergencies) but glad I got this run in. Progression of 3x400m from 10k pace to 1M pace.
3x 400m at 10k pace - 1:51, 1:51, 1:50
3x 400m at 5k pace - 1:47, 1:46, 1:46
3x 400m at 1M pace - 1:39, 1:39, 1:38

Planned: strength train
Did: 52 min strength

Good gym session today (actually made it down in the morning) and I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Planned: early run
Did: 9.33 mi @ 8:36/mi avg
Had originally planned to meet the downtown group, but when only Matt and I wanted to run, we opted to meet up closer to the TR side of town. He proposed Altamont Rd on Friday night and I was iffy, but by the time we met up Saturday right at dawn, I decided we should go for it. We warmed up with a loop around the Furman lake, then headed up the climb on Paris Mountain. It was a slow ascent for me (22:14) or so it felt, but I made up my mind it was going to happen without stopping to walk. Barely made it, since my glutes, quads, and hammies are all sore from lifting yesterday. Took a short break at the top, then started descending. I did pause at a spot I'd noted on the way up that caught the morning sunlight just right. 
Good morning, Paris. 
Matt was far ahead of me on the way down, and he caught a few action shots towards the bottom.

Flyin' high
It was a great run, perfect temps (mid-30s), beautiful sunshine. And a hard run that I needed - felt good to push myself!

Planned: group run or bike
Did: 5.77 mi @ 9:11/mi run + 9 mi bike ride
Ran with the Sunday Morning crew at Swamp Rabbit Grocery. Scott joined us today and I pushed D in the stroller. Just a short run (most folks went ~6 mi) but chilly and sunny made it enjoyable. My legs were definitely sore and tired from yesterday's efforts. After we ran, I got the opportunity for a quick spin on the bike and rode home via the trail. Took a loop through Furman just to get a couple more miles, but didn't mind when the ride was over.

Week-ending thoughts:
Wow, I actually exceeded 30 miles this week... no wonder my legs are "talking" to me! I do like the higher mileage, and I feel great around the 25-30 mpw mark. More than that takes some concerted effort, but I feel pretty great knowing I can achieve that mileage without really "trying" to.

Also I think it's time to put an actual plan on the calendar for the Zoom through the Zoo 5k where I'm planning my first PR effort. I'm thinking it'll be an 8-week plan, which should kick off on 3/16. One more week til that gets going!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Planning ahead

Note: I'm starting this entry on the Friday of the week before, planning out my intentions for next week ahead of time. Seeing if this helps my consistency.

Planned: strength train
Did: 45 min strength
Got a nice gym session in, including the same stability ball core workout from my trainer friend.

Planned: early run #10kTuesday (track or treadmill)
Did: 6.44 mi @ 8:35/mi avg, 6x600m track workout
Beat the rain for track Tuesday once more, and the temps were perfect! Had 8x600 in mind but only had time to get through 6. Still felt good to push hard and my times were pretty consistent:
2:32, 2:32, 2:33, 2:34, 2:29, 2:29
I didn't look at the pace calculator before this workout, and it says I should be doing 600s at 2:24... so, a few seconds off, but not bad since I just ran what I felt like doing.

Planned: rest - team lunch
Did: rest
I'm crazy sore from Monday, too!

Planned: run - tempo or hills
Did: 8x hill repeats, 4.66 mi @ 8:49/mi avg
Went out at the end of the workday and honestly I'm proud of myself for not canning this workout completely (as is my typical habit when I put it off until the end of the day). Patting myself on the back for that. It was a beautiful sunny and cool day, which made it worthwhile. Ran over to the hills near USC Upstate (which I haven't done in forever) and did 8x repeats, making 4x of each hill (there's basically a valley I run down and back up each side, back and forth, like a half-pipe). A nice way to end the day!

Planned: run or gym?
Did: 27 min strength + 10 min treadmill
Just needed to get something done today, and accomplished just that. Again took the risk of going to the gym at the very end of the day, but stuck with it.

Planned: Upstate SORBA ladies' ride
Did: 9.5 mi mountain bike ride
Great ride with the ladies at Dupont! Sunny and chilly, a tiny bit of snow dusted around the trails.
Ready to ride

Coming down Hilltop

End of Hickory Mtn Loop

Top of Hickory
Planned: long run + Yoga workshop
Did: 8.09 mi @ 8:28/mi
Took D out in the stroller again to meet the same group as last weekend. The plan was 8 miles on an ONB route on the Swamp Rabbit, and we did exactly that. What I didn't plan was that I'd be running closer to 8-8:15/mi paces for the last few miles. Just felt great and started trucking! I didn't have my mile auto-lap turned on so I didn't get mile splits, but I looked down at my watch a few times and saw I was running sub-8s. Woohoo!

I did also do the yoga workshop, but it didn't end up being anything worth counting as a workout.