Monday, February 4, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (6 Weeks til Race)

Week beginning thoughts: Yep, I'm definitely marathon training.

Did: 4.23 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
It's my birthday, and I'll run if I want to! Today was supposed to be a lifting day, but it was so beautifully sunny outside I said forget the gym, I'm going OUT. Plus, I need extra miles in my weeks these days, so I went for it. GREAT decision. I wanted 4 easy miles and apparently sub-8:30 is "easy" these days. Woohoo! Did some stretching, push-ups, and a little core strength when I got back inside.

Did: 10x alternating 800s and 400s, 7.25 mi @ 8:02/mi avg
Tentatively agreed to a track workout this morning, but the threat of a cold drizzle made a treadmill workout the ultimate decision. I headed into work early (eaaarrrrrlllyyyyyy) to get it done, and of course am quite happy I did. Alternated 800m @ 7:00/mi and 400m @ 6:30/mi for 10 total repeats, with a warm-up and short cool-down. Love getting in over 7 miles before work! Had a distant fleeting thought of getting in 8 mi total, but needed to get started on work so cut it a little short. Still, super happy with this run.
Definitely finished happier than I started. 😏 
Did: strength
Benefits of my computer crapping out mid-afternoon at work? Getting to actually work out while IT fixes it when I didn't think I'd have time! I was a little distracted, not knowing how long they would actually take, but I ended up getting a solid 50 minute workout done. There were other people in the gym, so I felt weird and went into the aerobics room to do free weights (why am I weird about that? idk). Didn't get to do my pull-ups or heavy weights on the squats, but still felt like I got in a good workout.

Did: 5.08 mi @ 7:57/mi avg
Ummmmm since when did 8-min miles become my "just going out for a run" pace? Part of the answer is definitely "since the weather turned mid-40s and gorrrrgeous!" but still... wow. Nothing much else to say about this run other than yesssssssss.

Did: rest
It's time for a 100% rest day and I'm totally okay with this.

Did: 18.35 mi @ 9:20/mi avg
Lonnnggggg stroller run! I really couldn't have asked for more perfect weather for this run. D and I got out to Furman just after 9am and started off heading south to "the biscuit place" aka Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery.
Yum, scones!

"Mommy, I'm stretching."

Got D a blueberry scone then turned and headed back north all the way through TR past Gateway Park before turning around and stopping at the park's playground (and bathroom) so D could use the potty and run around a bit.
Ahhh sunshine!


"I'm driving the fire truck! It's a emergency!"
After that it was less than 3 miles to get back to Furman! Breaking up these long runs and having to focus more on keeping D happy rather than how tired my legs are really helps make them seem more fun and manageable. It does turn it into pretty much an all-day adventure, but I'm okay with that.

Once we got back to Furman, we packed up the stroller and got out D's balance bike so he could ride around while I walked (and sometimes ran) behind him. He chose the dirt trails through the woods for his ride, and as tired as I was, I think it really helped to walk another 2+ miles after my run. My legs really didn't feel all that fatigued the rest of the day!
Post-run treat for me: also a scone. 

Best training buddy.
Did: 6.9 mi mountain bike ride
Well this ride did not go as planned, but still ended up being fun! It was the monthly Upstate SORBA Ladies' Ride, and we met at Payne's Creek in Hartwell, GA for some fun on the trails. Unfortunately we arrived during a rain storm, so we retreated to a nearby restaurant to wait out the showers. This was definitely a good call because by the time we got back and started riding it was gorgeous and sunny! The trails were pretty wet and muddy, but we had a nice casual ride and enjoyed the time outdoors.
The ladies!

On the trail

Mud butt.
Week ending thoughts:
This was a good week. Feeling good, feeling strong. Total of 34.91 miles running and feeling awesome.

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