Monday, February 18, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (4 Weeks til Race Week)

Week beginning thoughts: Determined to get in my miles and do some hard work this week despite a rainy start to the week and Scott being in Europe til Friday... means no early morning runs 😞 but gonna do what I can.

Did: 5.41 miles easy
For some reason I have been COLD all day, but it wasn't actually raining yet when I went down to run, so I warmed up (literally) with 2 miles inside on the treadmill and then went out to finish with another 3.4 miles outside. Averaged below an 8:30 pace for all of them, but felt easy peasy. I love how easy mid-8s feel! Tomorrow is likely going to be an indoor treadmill SLOG so... ugh. Gotta mentally prepare for that, but glad I at least got outside today.

Did: 8.0 mi @ 7:42/mi avg 
Oh. Heck. YES.
I woke up and was NOT in the mood for this run... I was tired, I was annoyed at having to run on the treadmill, I had the pressure of a meeting that would start immediately after my run... everything making me approach this run mentally thinking, "if I just get my 10k done, it'll be good enough." I thought about just doing mile repeats, but then decided to break things up and alternate miles @ sub-7:00/mi with 800m @ sub-6:30/mi, and then finished with a couple of 400s at 6:15/mi. I had some great tunes pushing me along and by the time I reached 4+ miles as the time ticked past 30 minutes, I realized I could actually get 8 miles before I needed to be done for my meeting. Yahoo! I really only felt the strain cardio-wise in the last few repeats where my pace was sub-6:30. Guess that means I need to be upping my top speeds? I definitely felt the work in my quads as I was walking up the stairs to my desk after showering... oof!
Did: 45 mins strength
Man, my quads are SORE from yesterday's hard 8-mile effort. Been a while since that has happened! I took time to stretch them today, plus did core and the usual lifting. Nothing exciting but glad to get it done.

Did: rest
Just couldn't muster the energy today, plus everything is sore. Gonna rest and then get in a run tomorrow. 😴

Did: 5.28 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
Uh, "easy" 5-miler today? Felt pretty easy... I didn't hold back but I didn't push the pace either, just ran what was comfortable but not lazy-feeling. Hmm. At least the rain held off today!

Did: 22.05 mi @ 9:41/mi avg
This run was HARD. Lots of things that could have been planned better (perhaps) but ultimately just had to struggle through it. Started off with staying out later than planned on Friday night for neighborhood girls' night, so was feeling a little groggy Saturday morning. I slept in, but that didn't help much... got up, had breakfast & got D and myself ready for a neighbor's birthday party where they served mimosas (oops again), lots of queso and tacos for lunch, then back home to immediately change and get ready to go run. Ughhh.
D was tired... passed out mid-granola bar.

The first hour or so was "ughhh" followed by the next hour of "meh", with miles 15-20 being full of "omggggg" and ending with "UGH". Yeah, it was not a joyous run.
At least the clouds were pretty

We had just a couple of miles left and D made sure to encourage me saying, "You can do it Mommy, I know you can!" That pretty much was the highlight of the run. My last few miles were full of walk breaks and all were above 10:00/mi pace. Struggle bus! But we did it... and D agreed to take a "silly face" picture with me at the end to celebrate.
So. Tired.

Did: yoga
This was very much needed! Mountain Goat / Kimmie hosted another Sunday afternoon yoga and it was exactly what my legs and everything needed to help recover from yesterday. Stretchy goodness!

Total miles: 40.74 mi
Finally crossed that 40 mpw threshold! And boy am I feeling it. Thankful to have completed the longest training run and now I guess it's taper time (sort of)? Still have another 20-miler to do next weekend but after that things will REALLY taper off. Hooray. This was the first long run where I really did NOT want to do it, and felt that way from start to finish. Guess it's just "that time" during this marathon training cycle! Pretty happy it took this long to get there.

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