Sunday, February 24, 2019

ATL Publix Marathon Training (3 Weeks til Race Week)

Week beginning thoughts: 
This is not okay.
Did: 5.91 mi @ 8:48/mi avg
It was beautiful and sunny and warm today, so even though I was too warm within the first mile, I tried to enjoy it because I know the rest of the week will be AWFUL. The sun was great and I felt good taking it easy, just trucking along and mentally checking out for a bit.

Did: 8.0 mi @ 7:47/mi
Yet another morning of "zomg tired" to "heck YES" on the treadmill.
Evolution of a morning run.

Did a treadmill ladder workout this morning since the downtown group AND my new track Tuesday buddy were unavailable (it's for the best - it was raining more than the forecast had predicted last night!). All speed intervals were sub-7 pace, recovery 400s in the 9-9:30 range. 
400, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 800, 800, 400, 400 for the ladder... I couldn't muster another 1200 after the mile, but I managed to do the mile under 6:30 (my current PR) so I told myself I "earned" the right to skip the 1200 and just do two 800s. #runnerlogic
Also pushed the 400s sub-6 which felt good.

Did: rest
Yesterday went downhill quickly... from feeling like a rockstar in the morning to congested/sniffly/sneezing by lunchtime. So I went home and slept for hours. Then slept for 10+ hours last night.

Did: rest
Feeling MUCH better but not wanting to compromise the progress... decided on a second rest day. Since I'm not planning my long run until Sunday, I'll do 5-ish tomorrow and still be on track for the week, only missing my strength day.

Did: 5.0 mi @ 8:16/mi avg, 3x1mi repeats
Did some treadmill mile repeats today, each one progressively faster from about 7:30/mi for the first one ending closer to 7 on the last. Felt quite easy, actually. Hooray... looking forward to the weekend 20-miler!

Did: nada
This was planned... rain all day and resting up for the long run tomorrow.

Did: 20.07 mi @ 9:17/mi avg
Well then... this was faster than I expected, especially given the ridiculous winds that were picking up through the course of the run. It also got WARM (like, 70 degrees) towards the end. Man, what a drastic change from earlier this week where it rained all day and didn't get out of the low 40s.
Forecast. UGH.
We started from the zoo because I did NOT want to end on an uphill with a headwind today.
D wanted to hide in the stroller.
It was a little chilly at the beginning - I wore long sleeves and gloves. I think the dampness in the air was a major contributing factor in that, but it didn't take long to get warm and remove the first layer and the gloves. We trucked along through falls park - impressive water on the Reedy today given all the rain!

Continued north and got to Furman without much incident, just in time for a potty stop (for both of us). "Mommy, you better hurry before I poop on myself!" Thanks for the motivation, kid. We looped through Furman and enjoyed the sun which had decided to show itself in full force. Man, that sure warmed things up even more!
D entertained himself quite well with his collection of cars, had quite the dialog and plot happening throughout our run.

Finally we made it to Swamp Rabbit Grocery aka "The Biscuit Place" and procured our favorite scones. D wanted to play on the playground, so I let him run around a bit while I devoured my scone. After about 10 minutes we were back on our way with less than 5 miles to go!
Couldn't hang.
We made it back to the car feeling good, I woke D up, and he enjoyed some playtime at the playground (along with what seems like the rest of Greenville county... man it was crowded!). Guess that's what you get when you see the sun for the first time in a week.

Uhhh... headband in the sun. Oops. 
Week-ending thoughts:
38.98 miles run
Despite a few days of illness, I'm pretty happy that I didn't have to cut any mileage from my week. In fact, all the runs felt pretty stellar! I'm not dead tired and desperate for tapering like I usually am... probably helps that I kept my weekly mileage relatively low and stuck with 4x/wk running. But still... TAPER TIMEEEEEE. 🙌

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