Monday, October 22, 2018

Let's do this. (or not)

Week Beginning thoughts:
Oh please let this week get me back on track. I've missed my routine!

Did: strength
Got a good hour of lifting in this morning. I tried out the wrist-based heartrate feature on my watch, and have decided it's not reliable. Most lifting sessions I'll burn ~230-250 cals, this only says I burned 150. Guess I'll wear the heartrate strap from now on. It's also irritating that I have to log the activity as a "run" then change it to an "other" later - my watch doesn't have an "other" option like my last one did. Oh well, small changes to what I'm used to.

Having not lifted in 3 weeks, I was happy to find I don't feel like I've lost that much progress. I dropped back on most weights (mostly on the legs to make sure my knee was ok). Didn't have any issues so hopefully will be back to full strength in a couple more weeks if I can actually lift on a regular basis!

Did: 2.5 mi treadmill, went home sick
Ugh. Struggled through 2 miles on the treadmill running, walked half a mile, then quit. Went home sick just before lunch.

The rest of the week consisted of sleeping on the couch the rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday, driving 8 hours to the Outer Banks on Thursday, spending the weekend with family, and driving back 8 hours on Sunday. Finally felt better by Friday so at least was able to enjoy most of the weekend.

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