Monday, October 15, 2018

Another week off... but there's hope!

The knee is healing up pretty well, got stitches out Thursday, but due to some family sicknesses and such, it was another week with basically no exercise.

My Garmin calendar... So sad.
I did finally get out for a test stroller run on Saturday morning, which was beautiful (fall weather!) and successful. I took it slowly and did feel some ache in my knee but nothing that stopped me from wanting to continue. I also got to use my new Garmin since the old one got destroyed in the bike wreck.

New watch!
I now have way more data about my running than I know what to do with...
Uhhhh what?
So yeah.... 4.29 miles @ 10:00/mi avg. I felt good enough that I would have run on Sunday too, but I woke up with a sore throat Sunday morning (whyyyyyy) so opted to take it easy in hopes that it would go away ASAP.

After the run, I chased D all the way around the Furman lake on his bike!

And this cute memory popped up... he's always been my running buddy

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