Sunday, October 28, 2018

Try again?

Week beginning thoughts: Okay, maybe this week I can get back to 'normal'??? Please??

Did: 12 Days of Xmas strength

Also it was very hot in the gym today. Yuck.

Did: 6.24 mi @ 8:47/mi
Ran with the early downtown group today and YAY I'm back on the #10kTuesday train. This was hard, especially because, hello, apparently it's winter now - was 40F at the start! Lungs, legs, and cardio are not used to this weather, plus not having run in almost a month has taken its toll. Still, SO happy to have done this run and I feel like myself again. :)
Happy in a disco vest (and long sleeves!)

Hehe new watch

Not my fastest but pretty good for not running in almost a month.

Did: 43 mins trainer ride
All-day meetings threatened lunchtime workout, so I decided to get it done early with a trainer ride in the basement. Happy to get it done, as always, even though my alarm this morning felt very very early and I did not want to get up. Felt good, did intervals as usual and got a good sweat going.
My early-morning ride coach.
Did: 2.5 mi @ 8:49/mi
Today was a long ride on the struggle bus. Stayed out too late and had a biiiiit too much fun with coworkers at a work dinner Wednesday night. Waited til the end of the day to go out for a run and felt a bit better, but it was still kind of a rough aimless run. Still, it got me outside and breathing fresh air, which can only help.

Did: rest

Did: 8.6 mi run @ 9:34/mi + 13.9 mi Freakbike ride
Started off with a run in the afternoon to test out some distance on the knee. Headed out through Green Valley via Foothills Road, up to the Swamp Rabbit into TR, then back through Green Valley. The run felt challenging but loved being out on a long run after so much time off - hooray! Not to mention the fall afternoon weather was beautiful.
Knee almost looks normal again!
Saturday night we had a Freakbike Halloween ride - started at Sunrift, stopped for a beverage at TR Tasting Room, then pedaled down the Swamp Rabbit trail in the dark to end at Compadre's for dinner.
Pirate, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, our friend Indiana Jones, and Construction Worker

Did: 15.3 mi mountain biking
Met the early Sunday crowd for dirt church (which we've called "The Congregation Ride") at Dupont. There were 4 of us in total - Waylon + two others I'd never met. I felt pretty good, though took things very cautiously, and of course wore my knee pads. It was COLD to start, but was a beautiful day for riding in the woods.
View from Airstrip Trail

Up on Airstrip

Beautiful Bridal Veil falls
Week ending thoughts: 
FINALLY a normal week... and I'm exhausted (too many social activities). This coming week should be good though, just have Halloween on Wednesday, but otherwise maybe a little bit calmer than last week (goodness I hope so). But happy to be back on track with exercise, and trying to think of what I might want to train for next year. Hmmm....

Monday, October 22, 2018

Let's do this. (or not)

Week Beginning thoughts:
Oh please let this week get me back on track. I've missed my routine!

Did: strength
Got a good hour of lifting in this morning. I tried out the wrist-based heartrate feature on my watch, and have decided it's not reliable. Most lifting sessions I'll burn ~230-250 cals, this only says I burned 150. Guess I'll wear the heartrate strap from now on. It's also irritating that I have to log the activity as a "run" then change it to an "other" later - my watch doesn't have an "other" option like my last one did. Oh well, small changes to what I'm used to.

Having not lifted in 3 weeks, I was happy to find I don't feel like I've lost that much progress. I dropped back on most weights (mostly on the legs to make sure my knee was ok). Didn't have any issues so hopefully will be back to full strength in a couple more weeks if I can actually lift on a regular basis!

Did: 2.5 mi treadmill, went home sick
Ugh. Struggled through 2 miles on the treadmill running, walked half a mile, then quit. Went home sick just before lunch.

The rest of the week consisted of sleeping on the couch the rest of Tuesday and all of Wednesday, driving 8 hours to the Outer Banks on Thursday, spending the weekend with family, and driving back 8 hours on Sunday. Finally felt better by Friday so at least was able to enjoy most of the weekend.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Another week off... but there's hope!

The knee is healing up pretty well, got stitches out Thursday, but due to some family sicknesses and such, it was another week with basically no exercise.

My Garmin calendar... So sad.
I did finally get out for a test stroller run on Saturday morning, which was beautiful (fall weather!) and successful. I took it slowly and did feel some ache in my knee but nothing that stopped me from wanting to continue. I also got to use my new Garmin since the old one got destroyed in the bike wreck.

New watch!
I now have way more data about my running than I know what to do with...
Uhhhh what?
So yeah.... 4.29 miles @ 10:00/mi avg. I felt good enough that I would have run on Sunday too, but I woke up with a sore throat Sunday morning (whyyyyyy) so opted to take it easy in hopes that it would go away ASAP.

After the run, I chased D all the way around the Furman lake on his bike!

And this cute memory popped up... he's always been my running buddy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The week with no exercise.

This past week I did zero exercise. I didn't meet my step goal once. I missed my first #10kTuesday in 84 weeks.

I was in a lot of pain Sunday.
I hobbled around Monday - Thursday.
By Friday I could almost walk normally.
By Sunday I could almost go down stairs without hopping/going two feet per one step. And I got 10,000 steps.

Hoping to test out some running on Tuesday this week. Will treadmill it probably, just in case I have to stop early, but the goal will be 10k (obviously).

I get my stitches out Wednesday, hopefully.

Here's to healing!