Sunday, January 28, 2018

Birthday Week

Did: strength
Finally, a normal day of lifting! Getting my PT worked back into the routine, avoiding pull-ups and bench press (doing upright chest press machine instead) but otherwise mostly the usual lifts. Feeling good and strong.

Did: #10kTuesday 6.20 mi @ 8:25/mi
Ok, this was my marathon pace and it felt SO HARD and SO FAST. Funny how a few months can change things like that. Met up with the early downtown crew and it was crazy warm (like 61??) and ridiculously windy. I am going to need to do something to maintain speed because I'm struggling to keep pace with this group lately. They are speedy! Thankfully they were only doing ~5, so I got to ease off on the last mile and a half after I split off from them. Still, SO happy to do this run early and get it done.
Did: 3x3x400 treadmill (total 5.25 mi) #speedworkWednesday
First of all, I slept REALLY WELL last night. 🙌
Nearly 8.5 hours total. That blip at 4:30am is waking up to pee, and not a stir otherwise.
Did a new speedwork routine on the treadmill this morning and really liked it! Thanks to a pre-run 💩 I was scrolling Instagram and found this routine that someone posted (I follow the hashtag #motherrunner):
Hmm... yep, doing this!
I read it and thought "hmm that seems challenging but doable" so off I went.

The 10k pace seemed way too easy. I guess that's legit since I was doing a 400 of something I am capable of doing for 6+ miles. The 5k pace felt good, like I was actually working. The 1-mile pace was hard but still totally doable. I might need to bump up the paces on the 5k and 1M for the next time I do these repeats. I haven't raced a 5k at what I'd consider "full capacity" in a long time, so my PR is still just south of a 7:00/mi pace. I've never raced 1M, but I'm assuming my time would be in the 6-6:15 range.

Progressive 3x400. SO many splits. 
One nice thing about this workout is that doing 200m on a treadmill involves some odd math, so that provided a nice distraction rather than just ticking off quarter miles. I definitely felt plenty recovered after 200, so this may be a new tactic I use.

Anyway, felt great through this workout and really enjoyed it!

Did: 10.8 mi road bike ride
Got out on the bike with Robin at lunch today. Cool at first, but felt good once we got moving! Hills were challenging but was a good ride on the USC Upstate loop + the hill loop at the beginning.

Did: 30 min yoga + 2.5 mi treadmill desk walk
Our yoga teacher didn't show up for lunch class today, so we (the other 2 people who showed up for class, and I) dug around and found a 30-min stretch session on a DVD and did that. In the afternoon I spent about an hour on the treadmill desk getting work done, so that was a good supplement to the shorter/easier yoga session.

Did: 15.4 mi road bike ride
Got out on the road bikes with Robin after lunch and did a 15-mile hilly loop towards Dacusville via Forestville Road and Old McElhaney. There were several really tough climbs, but overall I really liked the loop. It's hard for the first 10 miles and finishes with easy 5 on the swamp rabbit. I'll have to make this a regular loop to test my climbing abilities! We had a nice ride and saw lots of animals: oreo cows, llama, buffalo, a few dogs, chickens, goats... quite the menagerie.
At the end of one of the longest climbs

Cows and llamas and buffalo, oh my!
Did: 6.3 mi Altamont run
Angelina visited Saturday night to celebrate my birthday, and we'd made plans to run Altamont together on Sunday morning. Little did we know we'd end up staying out until 2am, but we soldiered on with our plans despite the rainy weather and getting very little sleep. Totally worth it! The mountain does not disappoint, and running in the rain always makes it feel a little more badass. ;)

We made it!

Back at the bottom - Paris Mtn!
Week Summary:
Running: 17.8 mi / 3x 
Miles biked: 26.3 mi / 2x 
Strength: 1x 

Not as much mileage as I would have liked this week but good consistency with the number of activities. I don't have much else to say right now as I'm desperately in need of a nap. 

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