Sunday, January 14, 2018

Still not training for anything lol

Did: strength
Repeat of last week, with a few extras.
I was feeling uncreative, so just ended up repeating most of last week's workout routine. Seems like even without marathon training, I need to maintain some amount of PT for my hips/glutes... I'll see if this helps avoid the lower back issues I was having over the holidays.

Did: 7.00 mi @ 8:47/mi avg
Ran with the early downtown group for #10kTuesday and then some (they usually do a 7-mile route on Tuesdays). We ended up doing the "RU7" route a bit slower than normal due to black ice EVERYWHERE on the roads and Swamp Rabbit Trail. It was soooo sketchy, and a few parts we walked due to it being like a skating rink. Crazy! Loved getting this done this morning, though, and it felt so comfortable being a balmy 33 degrees outside. #perspective lol

Did: 14.4 mi @ 15.9 mph road ride
Was going to do a short loop by myself at lunch today, but last night Scott recruited his riding friend at work, Donnie, to ride with me. I always feel like he's getting people to babysit me when I ride, but I usually do appreciate the company out on the road. I've ridden with Donnie several times before and he's very low-key, no pressure, good company. Enjoyed the cloudy but oddly warm day (was supposed to be in the 40s but it's in the mid-50s) even though I was way over-dressed. I even took my gloves off halfway through! I need to figure out how to get on the bike more... not going to regain much stamina riding just once a week.

Did: 4x400 treadmill + Big 5 stretching
Rain this morning, and needed to get a run in quickly. Did a 4x400 on the treadmill for #SpeedworkThursday, cranking it up to 6:00/mi for the speed intervals. Felt hard but doable. Almost went for a couple more intervals but decided to keep it to 4 since it's been a while since I've done this kind of speedwork.

Whee, heartrate intervals!
Followed with the "Big 5" for stretching (thanks to runner mama friend for the details). It's quick but it's better than nothing, which has been my standard!
  1. Quads
  2. Glute/Piriformis ("figure 4")
  3. Hammies
  4. Calves
  5. Hip flexors
Hold each side for 30 seconds = 5 mins total. DOABLE. 

Did: nothing officially, but 1.8 mi walk on the treadmill desk
Had lunchtime obligations so missed out on yoga class, opted for a rest day and just walked the treadmill desk to get my steps in.

Did: 6.45 mi Paris Mountain run
Decided to run the mountain today but didn't want to tire out the legs too much, so I opted for the shortest version and drove over to Furman to start from there. Makes a total of a bit over 6 miles instead of 9. It was windy and below 40 degrees, but the sunshine made it okay. I didn't really push for speed or anything, just wanted a nice climb, and I accomplished just that. Splits for the run are below:

1 - approach to Altamont
2 - up the mountain
3 - little blip where I tried to go up the Tower Road, only to find a gate, a "no trespassing" sign, and security cameras. So I turned around, because I'm a rule-follower.
4 - down the mountain
5 - back to campus

23 mins up... 18 mins down.

Loving the mountain!
Did: 10.04 mi @ 9:23/mi
This was a disjointed run, but a good long one nonetheless! Started out with about a mile and a half on my own downtown before Megan joined me for a nice 5-miler on McDaniel and Augusta Road. We finished with a loop around Greenville High School and the baseball stadium before heading back to the cars. I was supposed to meet Scott to do a child hand-off, but his plans ended up changing so I headed home and finished my remaining 3.5 in the neighborhood. It was COLD today, but still great run all around.

Week End Summary
Miles run this week: 26.6 (yay!)
Bike: 1x
Strength: 1x

Still pretty aimlessly training... working on some hills in casual preparation for the Ville to Ville Relay in April. Need to nail down a triathlon (or not) to determine whether I need to start my seemingly endless search for a pool. I'm kind of enjoying the aimless training though... for once I'm not letting myself go slack, and I'm enjoying not being tied to a plan. But I'm sure that'll change... ;)

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